Rails 6 app that allows users to follow each other and see the latest status from everyone they are following in one easy-to-use screen. Also supports a "wall" for each user that users can post on. Supports blocking other users as well.
3.0.2 Check Gemfile if this seems out-of-date. Check Gemfile if this seems out-of-date.
Using Puma for the web server
Using devise for authentication
Using SendGrid for administrative emails
Authorization handled by Pundit
To run locally do the setup:
rvm use 3.0.2
- First run:
rails db:setup
- Later runs:
rails db:migrate
rails s
rspec spec
Puma is currently setup to support workers. Have not added sidekiq or redis to handle asynchronous tasks as there are none to run currently.
Create a new release branch:
git checkout -b release/vX.X.X-xxxx
Merge your feature branch to the release branch.
Pull the release branch down locally. Run specs. Run the server locally and click around making sure you can register, login, create a new status, create a new wall post, logout.
Open a pull request from the release branch to main. Merging to main will autodeploy to Heroku through Heroku pipelines. There is no CI/CD currently so when you are ready to deploy just merge.
There is protection on the main branch requiring review from code owners before merge.
Close the issue you're resolving. If the ticket is not automatically moved to "Done" in the Brightbane project then move it manually.
Update your main branch to get the merge commit
git checkout main
git pull
Set the HEAD to the old commit that we want to tag where xxxxxxx is the commit hash
git checkout xxxxxxx
temporarily set the date to the date of the HEAD commit, and add the tag Ex: v0.0.1-alpha
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" \
git tag -a vX.X.X-xxxx -m"vX.X.X-xxxx"
Set HEAD back to whatever you want it to be
git checkout main
Push changes to the repo
git push origin --tags