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LSH edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 7 revisions

The (selection) and (selection!) functions handle the details of selection management for listboxes, checkboxes, toggle buttons, combo boxes, tables, etc. To get the current selection, just pass a widget (or something convertible to a widget) to (selection). It will always return the selected value, or nil if there is no selection:

(if-let [s (selection my-widget)]
  (println "Current selection is " s)
  (println "No selection"))

For multi-selection, (selection) takes an options map:

(doseq [s (selection my-list {:multi? true})]
  (println "Selected: " s))

Note that you can apply (selection) to event objects as well:

(listen (select [:#my-list]) :selection
  (fn [e]
   (println "Current selection of my-list is: " (selection e))))

The (selection!) function will set the current selection:

(let [my-list (listbox :model ["jim" "bob" "al"])]
  (selection! my-list "bob"))

Pass nil to clear the selection. Like with (selection), use the multi? option to interpret the new selection value as a list of values to select.

Text Selection

The selection of text widgets is also handled by the (selection) and (selection!) functions. As above, if the selection is empty, nil is returned. Otherwise, a vector with the start and end positions of the selection range will be returned.

Selection is sometimes, but not always, the same as the "value" of a widget. See Widget Value for more info.

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