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Monitor the load on a Spark cluster and perform different types of profiling

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Monitoring Spark

The goal of this project is to monitor the load on a Spark cluster and perform different types of profiling, and thus determining the bottlenecks and the performance of different algorithms.



The above image summarizes the architecture followed in the project. Going by details :

  • The data set from Congressional Voting Records is taken. It has a total of 17 columns for each row. Original dataset has 435 rows.

  • This data is then fed in data_generator. The aim of this part of the project is to run random queries on out Congressional Voting Records data, and fetch results. We monitor certain aspects of these results, like the start_time for the query, time_taken to fetch the results and no_of_records fetched for each query, and publish an event in the RabbitMQ.

  • These events published to RabbitMQ constitute the actual data set over which our monitoring spark cluster runs.

  • In the package metrics_computer, we consume and unmarshal these events. They are used for both, batched processing and stream processing. We first store these events in a Cassandra database, and then feed them to a spark cluster ffor live processing.

  • Batch processing algorithm: We take the data from Cassandra database and find the median and standard deviatan of the time_taken column.

  • Stream processing algorithm: For the stream processing,events consumed from the RabbitMQ are streamed to the second spark cluster directly via socket port 8080. A socker connection is established between the consumer and the spark in the file. Consumer pushes each montioring event into this socker. The consumes these events and we calculate the number of records in every 10 second window. They are printed once every 5 second. This is acheived by countByWindow function of the DStream. An exemplary sucessful metric can be found here


The project uses the following technological stack :

  • Python 3.7 : We chose Python as our working language because it provides easy to use and readily available libraries for all the other dependencies, with detailed documentation.
  • Docker : In order to maintain the uniformity of deployment, we use docker as deployment engine.
  • Pyspark 2.4.5 : We use Apache Spark to achieve high performance for both batch and streaming data. PySpark enables us to use the Spark APIs in Python.
  • RabbitMQ 3.8.3-rc.1 : We need to pass on monitoring events from one docker container to another, asynchronously. Thus, we use the event queue mechanism provided by RabbitMQ.
  • Pika 1.1.0 : It provides the APIs to connect to RabbitMQ in Python.
  • Cassandra 3.11.6 : We use Cassandra to store the historical data of monitoring events, which is further used for batch processing. Given the current implementation, we could have very achieved similar results with a RDBMS like PostgreSQL too.
  • Python-Cassandra-Driver 3.22.0 : It enables us to use the Cassandra APIs in Python

Running the program

  • To run docker-compose up

  • To run in detached mode docker-compose up -d

  • To see the logs of a specific, container, first find the container name by running docker ps -a, then run docker container logs <container_name>.

  • To see the network details in which all the containers of this project are running, first find the network name from docker network ls, then run docker network inspect <network_name>.

  • To clean up docker-compose down -v --rmi all --remove-orphans.

  • We can run separate container by docker-compose up <container_name> where container_name is one of the service names from the docker-compose.yml.

  • While the containers are running, we can monitor the queue on the dashboard http://localhost:15672/ with [Username/Password] as [guest/guest].

  • The cassandra seed node exports port 9042 for running CQL queries. Thus, we can connect to localhost:9042 and run any cqlsh query, and monitor the data in cassandra DB.

  • Cassandra nodes can also be monitored by accessing any node using docker exec -t <container_name> bash, and running nodetool status commands.

  • We have set up a portainer instance to be able to monitor the high level status of all the containers. We can access the Web UI for the same on http://localhost:10001/ while the portainer container is running.