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Daniel Falster edited this page Nov 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Report for study: OGrady2006

Contact Information

Data contributor: Anthony P. O'Grady



  • CSIRO Land and Water Flagship, Private Bag 12, Hobart Tasmania 7009, Australia

Data source

Citation: O'Grady A, Worledge D and Battaglia M (2006). 'Above- and below-ground relationships, with particular reference to fine roots, in a young Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) stand in southern Tasmania.' Trees, 20(5), pp. 531-538.

DOI: 10.1007/s00468-006-0055-5

Abstract: Allometric relationships are important descriptors of tree form and are often used to scale physiological process measured at the individual tree scale to the stand scale. Despite their importance, there is little information relating above-ground form and function to below-ground form and function. In this paper, we present allometric relationships between above- and below-ground components for young (2 years old) Eucalyptus globulus, a globally important plantation tree species, in southern Tasmania, Australia. In particular, we examined relationships that exist between leaf area, above-ground biomass, fine root surface area and fine root biomass using destructive harvesting techniques. Fine roots (5 mm) were sampled spatially and temporally using sequential coring and scaled to estimate total fine root biomass and total fine root surface area using a weighting technique. There were strong relationships between leaf area and above-ground biomass with below-ground fine root surface area and biomass. These results are discussed in relation to the functional balance hypothesis for water transport in plants.

Overview of data provided

The dataset includes records for 68 individuals from 1 species belonging to 1 family(ies), presenting 1 functional type(s), growing in 1 condition(s) within 1 major type(s) of habitat, with data included for the following variables:

Variable Label Units N Min Median Max
latitude Latitude deg 68 -43 -43 -43
longitude Longitude deg 68 148 148 148
a.lf Leaf area m2 68 0.019 1.2 106
a.ssba Sapwood area at base m2 26 0.00053 0.0011 0.034
a.ssbh Sapwood area at breast height m2 6 0.0031 0.011 0.019
a.stba Stem area at base m2 65 0.0000074 0.0003 0.059
a.stbh Stem area at breast height m2 9 0.0061 0.023 0.042
h.t Height m 17 0.26 0.35 0.46 Basal diameter m 65 0.0031 0.02 0.27 Dbh m 9 0.088 0.17 0.23 Height of measurement m 68 1.3 1.3 1.3
m.lf Leaf mass kg 65 0.0014 0.16 25 Total stem mass kg 44 0.0031 0.26 60 Aboveground mass kg 44 0.011 0.5 68 Branch mass kg 50 0.00078 0.16 44
m.rf Fine root mass kg 15 0.022 0.69 3.9
m.rc Coarse root mass kg 15 0.028 6 30
m.rt Total root mass kg 15 0.049 7 34 Total mass kg 6 0.52 21 80

plot of chunk world_map

And locally within the country:

plot of chunk country_map

The sites sampled are:

Location Longitude Latitude Vegetation
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia 147.51 -42.82 Temperate forest

The growing conditions of sampled plants was:

Location Grouping growingCondition
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 1 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 2 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 3 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 4 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 5 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 6 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 7 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 8 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Dec_02; plot = 9 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 1 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 2 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 3 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 4 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 5 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 6 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 7 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 8 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Mar_03; plot = 9 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 1 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 2 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 3 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 4 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 5 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 6 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 7 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 8 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jun_03; plot = 9 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Oct_03; plot = 1 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Oct_03; plot = 5 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Oct_03; plot = 9 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jan_04; plot = plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Aug_07; plot = 2 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jul_08; plot = 3 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jul_08; plot = 4 plantation managed
Pittwater plantation, TAS, Australia Harvested = Jul_08; plot = 8 plantation managed

Species sampled

Species Family Pft
Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae evergreen angiosperm

Methods used

Sampling strategy: Data are for rainfed and irrigated trees. Trees were a monospecific stand of Eucalyptus globulus grown at a spacing of 3X3 meters. All allometric relationships were developed from above and below ground harvests.

Leaf area: Leaf area samples were taken from each of three zones within the canopy, upper, mid and lower. A subsample of leaves from each zone was used to determine specific leaf area. Leaf area of the zone was calculated as the product of specific leaf area and leaf dry weight for each zone.

Height: Heights were measured monthly using height poles. At the time of harvets height to the growing tip was checked using a tape measure

Biomass: Each tree was subdivided into it components, of stem, branches, leaf area, fine roots and coarse roots. All material was dried to constant weight in a drying room at 30 deg C. Subsamples of each sample were dried at 65 deg C to constant weight, and a dry weight conversion factor was used to estimate the total dry weight.

Year collected: 2000-2005

Plots of data

This is how the study OGrady2006 fits in the entire dataset (grey). each colour represents a species. A legend of species names with colours is included at the end for reports with 1 < n < 20 species.

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