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Train prompt tuning configuration against LLM and Serve them using Kubeflow Pipelines

This repository demonstrates how Kubeflow could be leveraged for prompt tuning a foundational large language model (LLM) and serving the prompt-tunned model. Specifically:

  1. Train ( with the use of PEFT and RAFT dataset) a prompt tuning configuration against a LLM - bigscience/bloomz-560m
  2. Publish the trained configuration to HuggingFace.
  3. Serve the prompt tuning configuration along with HuggingFace open source LLM.
  4. Automate the above steps with Kubeflow Pipelines


To successfully run the example provided in this repository, Kubeflow cluster and KServe ModelMesh need to be brought up. Before installing them, you must have the following dependencies installed in a local environment.

  • Python 3.9+
  • Docker
  • Kubectl
  • Kustomize 5.0.0
  • Install Kubernetes locally (could be done via kind, minikube, docker desktop for Mac)

Kubeflow Installation

This example has been tested with Kubeflow version 1.8.

To install Kubeflow, clone the Manifests repo and run the installation using kustomize

git clone --branch v1.8-branch && cd manifests
while ! kustomize build example | awk '!/well-defined/' | kubectl apply -f -; do echo "Retrying to apply resources"; sleep 10; done

Before continuing, make sure to wait for all pods in kubeflow namespace to become ready

kubectl -n kubeflow wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all --timeout=1200s

KServe Modelmesh Installation

ModelMesh Serving is the Controller for managing ModelMesh, a general-purpose model serving management/routing layer. The instructions for installing it are provided below. For more detailed information on how to get started, check out this link

  1. Clone Modelmesh serving repository
git clone -b $RELEASE --depth 1 --single-branch
cd modelmesh-serving
  1. Create a namespace called modelmesh-serving to deploy ModelMesh to.
kubectl create namespace modelmesh-serving
./scripts/ --namespace-scope-mode --namespace modelmesh-serving --quickstart

Adjust service account permissions

Give our current service account kubeflow-user-example-com:default-editor permissions to manipulate inferenceservices and servingruntimes within modelmesh-serving namespace:

kubectl create clusterrole servicemesh-editor --verb=get,create,delete,list,watch,patch --resource=inferenceservices,servingruntime
kubectl create rolebinding servicemesh-editor --serviceaccount=kubeflow-user-example-com:default-editor --clusterrole=servicemesh-editor -n modelmesh-serving

Create k8s secret with your Hugging Face account token

Modify and execute the following command to store your Hugging Face account token as a secret in the Kubeflow cluster. This secret is used by the pipeline to publish the prompt tuning configuration to Hugging Face after the training. You can obtain the Hugging Face account token with WRITE permission on their website.

kubectl create secret generic huggingface-secret --from-literal='token=<HuggingFace_WRITE_Token>' -n kubeflow

Access Kubeflow UI

After successful installation of Kubeflow, use port-forward to expose the istio-ingressgateway service by running the following

kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system 8080:80

Navigate to localhost:8080 and login using and password 12341234

Run PromptTuning Pipeline

Use IR (Intermediate Representation) Yaml file

You could create the prompt tuning pipeline by uploading the ready to use IR yaml file through the Kubeflow Dashboard. Go to "Pipelines" -> "Upload Pipelines" and select "Upload from file". Then create a run from the pipeline.

Use the Jupiter Notebook

You could leverage the notebook to create the prompt tuning pipeline. To do so, first you need to

  • Create PodDefault resource to inject ServiceAccount token volume into your Pods. Once created and configured correctly with your notebook, this will allow all pods created by the notebook to access kubeflow pipelines.

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: PodDefault
      name: access-kf-pipeline
      namespace: kubeflow-user-example-com
      desc: Allow access to KFP
          access-kf-pipeline: "true"
        - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines
          name: volume-kf-pipeline-token
          readOnly: true
        - name: volume-kf-pipeline-token
              - serviceAccountToken:
                  path: token
                  expirationSeconds: 7200
          value: /var/run/secrets/kubeflow/pipelines/token
  • Import Notebook into Kubeflow JupyterLab

    Once logged in to the Kubeflow dashboard, navigate to "Notebooks" to create a new JupyterLab notebook with kubeflownotebookswg/jupyter-tensorflow-full:v1.8.0-rc.0 image and configuration "Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines" enabled (available in "Advanced options").

    After the notebook is running, connect to the notebook and upload the notebook file notebook.


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