SousChef is an iOS Swift personal assistant for finding and reading recipes. Users search for recpies in-app, find various information such as ingredients and nutritional facts, then after picking their recipe, is walked through each step with verbal instructions.
To install and run SousChef on your own iOS device, simply create a Key.plist file in the root directory with keys for IBM Bluemix (Speech to Text), and a key for BigOven API.
- Swift 3
- IBM Bluemix Speech to Text
- BigOven API
- Alamofire
- SwiftyJSON
- SwiftVideoBackground
- SDWebImage
- Cosmos
- Charts
SousChef was originally created by Wilson Ding and Kevin J Nguyen on 03/04/17.
is released under an MIT License.
Copyright Β© 2017-present Wilson Ding.
Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.