A dashboard that ranks your site's Google Pagespeed Insight values.
These instructions will help you set up Seemly.
Acquire an SSL certificate. If you are using a self-signed certificate run the following commands to create a certificate and make your local machine trust that certificate:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout web.key -out web.crt sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain web.crt
SSL certificate files in/
. -
define Couchbase authentication information. -
add your array of sites you wish to show on the dashboard. You can change the list of sites in this file at any time. -
Bring up just the Couchbase container, running this command will return a container ID to use in Step 8:
docker run -d -v $PWD/persistence:/opt/couchbase/var -p 8091:8091 couchbase:community-4.5.0
Seed the Couchbase database with the authentication information you specified in
either by visting http://localhost:8091 or running thesecurl
commands, replacing everything in {} with values from/app/config.json
:curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default -d memoryQuota=512 -d indexMemoryQuota=512 curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8091/node/controller/setupServices -d services=kv%2cn1ql%2Cindex curl -v http://localhost:8091/settings/web -d port=8091 -d username={admin} -d password={adminPassword} curl -v -u {admin}:{adminPassword} -X POST http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets -d name={bucket} -d bucketType=couchbase -d ramQuotaMB=256 -d authType=sasl -d saslPassword={bucketPassword}
Shut down the Couchbase container:
docker stop [container-id]
docker-compose up
. -
Visit your Seemly install at https://localhost.
While Seemly is running, you can issue commands to the application
docker exec seemly_app_1 ./app.js [command]
Where [command] is one of the following:
- audit-sites
- delete-sites
- Derek McBurney - dmcb