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Taquito v16.2.0

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@dsawali dsawali released this 26 May 22:41
· 198 commits to master since this release

Potential Breaking Changes:

  • Some error classes may have been moved to the @taquito/core package. Note to developers if they are exporting any error classes to capture errors, there might be a need to adjust the export path.

  • We have an ongoing error class refactoring which includes ticket #1992 (create an error class hierarchy), #1993 (consolidate duplicate errors in Taquito) and #1994 (improve error classes in individual packages, namely @taquito/utils, @taquito/local-forging and @taquito/signer). Here are a list of notable changes:

    1. @taquito/sapling Class SaplingToolkit function prepareUnshieldedTransaction used to throw InvalidKeyError now throw a InvalidAddressError instead
    2. @taquito/rpc when validateContractAddress used to throw InvalidAddressError will now throw InvalidContractAddressError.
    3. @taquito/sapling prepareUnshieldedTransaction function when validateDestinationImplicitAddress used to throw InvalidAddressError now throw InvalidKeyHashError
    4. @taquito/local-forging smartRollupAddressDecoder used to throw InvalidAddressError now throw InvalidSmartRollupAddressError
    5. @taquito/local-forging used to have class InvalidSmartRollupContractAddressError now is InvalidSmartRollupCommitmentHashError
    6. @taquito/local-forging function smartRollupContractAddressEncoder rename to smartRollupCommitmentHashEncoder
    7. @taquito/signer PrivateKeyError is replaced by common error InvalidKeyError from @taquito/core
  • In @taquito/michelson-encoder we introduced a new semantic { Some: null} to EncodeObject() for nested options type like (option (option nat)). The old semantic still works when making contract calls but will look to deprecated them in the future as table below. And the corresponding Execute() will now return new semantic { Some: 1 } as previously return 1 will be deprecated soon. #2344

Note: There are also significant (backwards compatible) changes to the @taquito/taquito package, largely regarding the flow of preparing, estimating, forging, and injecting operations into a node. No breaking changes are expected, but users are welcomed to reach out to the team if any issues arise.


New Features

  • Introduction of the new @taquito/core package, which will contain important types and shared classes #1992

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed contract calls with nested option with Some None #2344
  • Fixed a broken isNode check that checks whether the runtime environment is a Node environment or not PR#2498


  • @taquito/taquito - Tweaked the functionality of PrepareProvider to not have coupling with Estimation, it will now output PreparedOperation with default fees, gas limits and, storage limits #2257
  • @taquito/taquito - Added a filter for events listener to exclude failed events #2319
  • @taquito/utils - Updated address validation to include smart rollup addresses #2444
  • Removed duplicate error classes and did a small audit to streamline them across all packages #1993
  • Improved error messages and fix relevant error classes in @taquito/local-forging and @taquito/signer #1994


  • Updated old Michelson code in our smart contract documentation #2482
  • Updated README to reference Mumbainet #2459
  • Updated wrong example in docs for Tezos domains #2436
  • Added extra detail on complex parameter calls in the docs #2443


  • OperationEmitter class in @taquito/taquito have been replaced with PrepareProvider and the Provider abstract class #2257
    • RpcContractProvider, RpcEstimateProvider, RpcBatchProvider, and RpcTzProvider no longer extends OperationEmitter, and is replaced with a more lightweight abstract class Provider #2428, #2429, #2430, #2431
  • Removed the dependency axios-fetch-adapter and adapted the code directly into Taquito PR#2457

@taquito/taquito - Added a filter for events listener to exclude failed events

Introduces a new filter excludeFailedOperations to determine whether you'd want to filter out failed events or not

const Tezos = new TezosToolkit(RPC_URL);

    shouldObservableSubscriptionRetry: true, 
    pollingIntervalMilliseconds: 1500 

try {
  const sub ={
    tag: 'tagName',
    address: 'KT1_CONTRACT_ADDRESS',
    excludeFailedOperations: true
  sub.on('data', console.log);
} catch (e) {

@taquito/taquito - Tweaked the functionality of PrepareProvider

The PrepareProvider is a somewhat new feature to Taquito that allows users to independently create a PreparedOperation object. It's behaviour is slightly changed so that it does not estimate directly when preparing. The estimation and the preparation process are now 2 separate process, removing the circular dependency it used to have.