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Edmond Lau edited this page Feb 27, 2011 · 14 revisions

GABot Wiki

GABot a.k.a. Generic Algorithm Bot GABot was originally a school project from 2002 by Edmond Lau, Chris Odorjan and Richard Voino. The goal was to create a game playing prototype based on Genetic Algorithms for our Artificial Intelligence class at Wilfrid Laurier University.

Since the completion of the school project, the gang had many discussions (over beer and wine) on how to revive the project, enhance the code and publish the project somewhere on SourceForge. But after 8 years and much alcohol consumed, we have decided to push the original code to GitHub. Hopefully, someone out there will find this code useful.



GABot is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0 (

Windows Binary

  • Download here
  • MD5: C9D14503E891D1D814DD2DFED073DBA8
  • SHA-1: 59D69B0FEF1948B31F3915CDA192DEAFD7F79DE7
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