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Releases: eikek/docspell

Docspell 0.32.0

06 Feb 22:54
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🎉 ChangelogDocumentationMilestone 🎉

There is now a dashboard page and notification and channels can be maintained separately.

  • Dashboards: There is a new starting page showing a dashboard. Dashboards can be customized (#1294)
  • UI-settings can be specified per collective and then be overriden by user settings (#838)
  • Managing notifications channels: Instead of giving channel data with each notification hook, they can now be managed separately. This is more convenient, because they can be reused for different notification hooks and periodic queries. Notifications can be associated to multiple channels. (#1293)
    • Please note that some (small) manual effort is recommended when upgrading: The channel data from all your current notifications is copied into a separate data set. This can create duplicates in the channels if you had notifications with equal channel data. In order to remove these duplicates, first change all notifications to a known channel and afterwards you can delete the obsolete ones.
  • Replace bundled pdf viewer with pdfjs default viewer. (#1304)
  • Fixes the query used in a periodic query, that had returned trashed items (#1323)
  • Fixes UI bugs where some data was not initialized in the view (#1317, #1324)
  • Fix sorting tags in search menu (#1318)
  • Reworked website using tailwindcss

Docspell 0.31.0

16 Jan 12:39
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🎉 ChangelogDocumentationMilestone 🎉

This release includes bookmarking queries as the main feature.

  • Bookmark queries and use it in searches. (#1175) Also the periodic query form is updated to allow using a bookmarks.
  • Customize message for periodic queries (#1258). You can now add your own sentence to the beginning of the message notifying you for a list of items.
  • Allow to configure a priority for Gotify notifications (#1277)
  • Improve handling tags (#960). When choosing a tag by the dropdown the catgory is shown next to a tag and the options can be constrainted by clicking a category bubble.
  • Fix timezone in docker image (#1234)
  • Fix adding high-dpi images that would cause an out-of-memory error when generating previews (#1183).
  • Fix tearing down and initializing pubsub table to allow changing app ids (#1251)
  • Fix switching between tile and list view when "full width" preview is enabled (#1261)
  • Disable "group by month" if there are no groups (#1255)
  • Fix deleting periodic queries (button was not working) (#1257)

Docspell 0.30.1

22 Dec 20:58
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🎁 🎄 🎁 🎅🏼 🎄 🩹 Changelog 1 Changelog 2DocumentationMilestone 🩹 🎁 🎄 🎁 🎅🏼 🎄

The last last release this year is a bug fix release for #1229 😵‍💫

Here the changelog for 0.30.0:

  • Add a list view for items, allowing to toggle between tile and list view (#526)
  • Generic notification system: It is a start. A few events are available with the idea to add more when needed. Get notified about certain events via gotify, matrix or e-mail. A generic periodic query has been added (in addition to the notify-due-items task). (#848, #1174)
  • Update stanford-corenlp and add Spanish to the supported language set for NLP and Hungarian to the standard set of languages.
  • Fix to update job execution count when a job is canceled (#1182)
  • Change the log format to logfmt and remove all ansi color sequences

Docspell 0.30.0

21 Dec 20:53
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🎁 🎄 🎁 🎅🏼 🎄 ChangelogDocumentationMilestone 🎁 🎄 🎁 🎅🏼 🎄

The last release this year comes with a nice notification component and an item list view.

  • Add a list view for items, allowing to toggle between tile and list view (#526)
  • Generic notification system: It is a start. A few events are available with the idea to add more when needed. Get notified about certain events via gotify, matrix or e-mail. A generic periodic query has been added (in addition to the notify-due-items task). (#848, #1174)
  • Update stanford-corenlp and add Spanish to the supported language set for NLP and Hungarian to the standard set of languages.
  • Fix to update job execution count when a job is canceled (#1182)
  • Change the log format to logfmt and remove all ansi color sequences

Docspell 0.29.0

17 Nov 22:41
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This release contains mainly fixes, a little feature and some changes "under the hood".

  • Show number of waiting jobs in the top bar (#1069). This introduces some changes under the hood, for example: while previously the restserver was notifying job executors about new jobs, it will now also receive messages from the job executors. This requires a new setting (see below).
  • Hide sidebar by default on mobile (#1169)
  • Improve scanmailbox form (#1147)
  • Improve input of an e-mail address (#987)
  • Fix e-mail import for certain files (#1140)
  • FIx uploading files with non-ascii filenames (#991)

Docspell 0.28.0

27 Oct 19:57
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You can now share subsets of documents with anyone! Here the summary

  • Share items (#446). Allows to create shares, public cryptic links, to a subset of your documents that can be shared with other people (who don't need an account). It is possible to search inside the shared subset. Shares have a lifetime and can be password protected.
  • Support encrypted PDFs (#1074). When importing PDF files, the protection layer (usually for signed PDFs) is being removed in order to process it. The config file and collective settings can now define a list of passwords that are being used when trying to decrypt encrypted PDFs.
  • Use environment variables to configure Docspell instead of a config file (#1121). This is mainly intended when running via docker or other similar tools. Note that settings that accept list as its values are not yet supported.
  • Try to detect the best way to render PDFs (#1099). Mobile browsers need a fallback for rendering PDFs, but desktop browsers can do it much better natively. The user settings allow to decide how to render a PDF or to let docspell detect it.
  • Filter possible values in search menu based on current results (#856). This removes options that would only yield empty results from the dropdowns.
  • Fix search in documenation (#1120)

Docspell 0.27.0

23 Sep 17:45
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This release focuses on features for authentication.

  • Allow external authentication providers via OpenID Connect. Now you can integrate Docspell into your SSO solution. Using keycloak, for example (or other such tools) users can be maintained elsewhere, like in an LDAP directory. (#489)
  • Adds two-factor authentication using TOTPs. If you don't want to setup an external authentication provider (which is another tool to maintain), you can use the builtin TOTP support to have two-factor authentication. (#762)
  • Improvements when querying documents (#1040)
  • Changed the underlying code for storing and loading files. This is a preparation to allow different storage backends for files in the future (maybe the filesystem or s3). (#1080)
  • The license has changed from GPLv3+ to AGPLv3+ (#1078)
  • Fixes a bug in the "check for updates" task that was added in the last release (#1068)
  • Reduces the length of the startup command, which makes tools like ps much more readable and allows now to start docspell on Windows (untested, though ;-)) (#1062)
  • Fixes merging items, where sent mails were not copied to the target item. (#1055)
  • Fixes and improves deleting users. Now all their data is also removed and it is shown what that would be. (#1060)

Docspell 0.26.0

28 Aug 10:30
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Hi all! This release comes with some nice features that have been in the queue for a long time. Here is a quick list:

  • Add ability to merge items (#414). You can now select multiple items and merge them all into one. The first item in the list is the target item, all others are deleted after a successful merge. The webapp allows to reorder this list, of course.
  • Add option to only import attachments of e-mails (#983).
  • Improve Manage Data page by sorting the tables (#965, #538)
  • Allow wildcard searches in queries using (#971). Before you would have to specify the complete id. This is inconvenient when using from the command line client.
  • Add Hebrew to the document languages (#1027, thans @wallace11). Please note, that the SOLR support is very basic for this language.
  • Add a periodic task to check for Docspell updates (#990). Let's you check periodically for new versions of docspell. It uses an existing user account and its mail settings to send an e-mail.
  • Show the link to an item and its attachments as a QR code in item details (#836). This might be useful when you want to attach this link to physical devices.
  • The search menu highlights the sections that contain active filters (#966)
  • Safe deletion of items (#347). When deleting items, they are now marked as deleted and can therefore be restored. A periodic job will really delete them from the database eventually.
  • Improves German translation (#985, thanks @monnypython)
  • Remove the scripts in tools/ since these are now obsolete. The new command line interface covers these features now. Note that the docker images are also NOT built anymore. The directory still exits and is still a place for scripts and little tooling around docspell.
  • Fixes a regression where the browser would not display the pdf (#975)
  • Fixes the health checks in the docker setup (#976)
  • Fixes an issue with text extraction for Japanese documents where numbers were extracted as special unicode points (#973). This only affects the docker setup, when not using the docker images you need to setup tesseract to use different training data for Japanese.

The dsc tool has also been improved, thanks to @seijikun.

Please see the Changelog for more details, the http api changed and the config file for joex has new stuff in it.

Docspell 0.25.1

29 Jul 21:08
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Ths is a fixup release to make fulltext search work again. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Please refer to the 0.25.0 release page.

Docspell 0.25.0

29 Jul 16:03
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Here is 25th release of Docspell. This tiime with a few bug fixes and some smaller additions. The main thing in this release is the upgrade of several core libraries that essentially affects every piece of the software. Then, finally, a "real" command line interface is introduced (in a separate repository).

  • Introducing a new CLI tool (#345) that replaces all the shell scripts from the tools/ directory!
  • UI changes:
    • year separators are now more prominent (#950)
    • fixes a bug in the item counter in detail view when an item is deleted (#920)
    • German translation improvements (#901)
    • The number of selected files is shown in upload page (#896)
  • The created date of an item can now be used in queries (#925, #958)
  • Setting tags api has been improved (#955)
  • Task for converting pdfs is now behind the admin secret (#949)
  • Task for generating preview images is now behind the admin secret (#915)
  • Respond with 404 when the source-id is not correct (#931)
  • Update of core libraries (#890)
  • Add Japanese to the list of document languages. Thanks @wallace11 for helping out (#948, #962)
  • Fix setting the folder from metadata when processing a file and allow to specifiy it by name or id (#940)
  • Fixes docspell config file in docker-compose setup (#909)
  • Fixes selecting the next job in the job executor (#898)
  • Fixes a bug that prevents uploading more than one file at once (#938)

Please see the Changelog for more details.