A small set of applications created in order to understand and practice different technologies, algorithms, data structures...
- Keywords: Java, JUnit, Microservices, Spring Boot, Docker, REST API, Postman, JSON.
- A microservice that runs on a Docker container. This microservice manages information consumed from a public API (in this case the Star Wars API).
- Keywords: Java, Kafka, CLI, Docker, JSON.
- A CLI application that produces information into a Kafka message broker that runs on a Docker container.
- Keywords: Java, Algorithms, Tf/Idf, Boyer-Moore, CLI, Daemon.
- A CLI application that computes the Tf/Idf of a set of terms for each document in a directory, and reports the top documents sorted by relevance. A daemon always checks for new documents in the directory.
- Keywords: Java, Spring Boot.
- A simple Spring 5 Spring Boot web application with JPA entities, data repositories, MVC, H2 as database an Thymeleaf.