This is a mock web page built while learning advanced CSS concepts from this wonderful course
Here is the Page!
The project can be run cloning this repo and opening the index.html file
- Attribute used to clip the element to which it is applied. eg:
clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 0, 100% 75%, 0 100%);
- Everything related to the animation property. (effect, delay, duration, timming function etc)
animation: moveInRight 1s ease-out;
- Using lenghts and font-sizes in rem helps in writing highly responsive web pages as all sizes will be relative to root.
- BEM stands for Block Element Modifier. This is one of the techniques that is used to name CSS classes.
- Type of css architecture has been used for the project. The sass files are divided into the following
folders :
- Base : includes the low level basic styling eg reset, body, html.
- Abstracts: includes code that does not output any css. eg : variables, mixins etc.
- Components: contains styling for individual component.
- Layout: contains the layout of the page. eg :header, footer.
- Pages: contains styling for individual pages. -Themes: contains the theme styling. (not in this project) -Vendors: contains 3rd party css styles. (not in this project)
the files inside thes folders are called partials and have names tha start with an underscore(_),
- Float layout is used to build the webpage as it is supported accross all modern browsers.
- This property is used to define how the elements align themselves outside of the specified element.
<video class="bg-video__content" autoplay muted loop>
<source src="img/video.mp4" type="video/mp4" >
<source src="img/video.webm" type="video/webm" >
Your Browser is not supported :(
- ~ selects a general sibbling.
- + selects an adjacent sibbling
- This is used to define the exact timming of the transition animation. Helpful tools :
- These can be built by using the
psuedo class that is applied to an element which is targettef by an anchor tag.
- Desktop first strategy is used where in a Media Query Manager is implemented using