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Releases: eliaskosunen/scnlib


15 Jun 17:07
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  • Bump SOVERSION to 3 (reported in #117, thanks @xvitaly (Vitaly))
  • Call find_package in CMake iff a target is not already defined (reported in #118, thanks @ajtribick)
  • Remove find_dependency(Threads) from scn-config.cmake

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1


07 Jun 21:45
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Breaking changes

  • The default behavior for scanning integers is now d (decimal) instead of i (detect base from prefix).
// v3
auto result = scn::scan<int>("077", "{}");
// result->value() == 77
result = scn::scan<int>("078", "{}");
// result->value() == 78

// v2
auto result = scn::scan<int>("077", "{}");
// result->value() == 63
result = scn::scan<int>("078", "{}");
// result->value() == 7
// result->range() == "8"
// (Because of the '0' prefix, an octal number is expected,
//  and '8' is not a valid octal digit, so reading is stopped)
  • A large part of the bundled <ranges>-implementation is removed.
    Only the parts strictly needed for the library are included.
    • The library no longer uses a stdlib provided <ranges>, even if available.
    • This cut down compile times massively for library consumers
    • You now may need to specialize scn::ranges::enable_borrowed_range for your own range types,
      even if you've already specialized std::ranges::enable_borrowed_range.
      Specializations of std::basic_string_view are already borrowed out of the box.
// std::span is a borrowed_range,
// but scnlib doesn't know about it
auto result = scn::scan<...>(std::span{...}, ...);
// decltype(result->range()) is scn::ranges::dangling

namespace scn::ranges {
template <typename T, size_t E>
inline constexpr bool enable_borrowed_range<std::span<T, E>> = true;

auto result = scn::scan<...>(std::span{...}, ...);
// decltype(result->range()) is a scn::ranges::subrange<const T*>
  • scn::span is removed
  • scan_arg_store and borrowed_subrange_with_sentinel are removed from the public interface
  • scan_arg_store is changed to be non-copyable and non-movable, for correctness reasons
    (it holds references to itself, copying and moving would be needlessly expensive)
  • The interface of make_scan_result is changed to take a tuple instead of the now unmovable scan_arg_store.
// v3
auto args = make_scan_args<scan_context, Args...>();
auto result = vscan(source, format, args);
return make_scan_result(std::move(result), std::move(args.args()));

// v2
auto args = make_scan_args<scan_context, Args...>();
auto result = vscan(source, format, args);
return make_scan_result(std::move(result), std::move(args));
  • The meaning of the "width" field in format specifiers is changed to mean the minimum field width
    (like in std::format), instead of the maximum (sort of like in scanf)
// v3
auto result = std::scan<int>("123", "{:2}");
// result->value() == 123
// result->range() == ""

// v2
auto result = std::scan<int>("123", "{:2}");
// result->value() == 12
// result->range() == "3"


  • The "precision" field is added as a format specifier,
    which specifies the maximum fields width to scan (like in std::format)
// Scan up to 2 width units
auto result = scn::scan<int>("123", "{:.2}");
// result->value() == 12
// result->range() == "3"
  • Support for field fill and alignment is added.
    This interacts well with the new width and precision fields
// Read an integer, aligned to the right ('>'), with asterisks ('*')
auto result = std::scan<int>("***42", "{:*>}");
// result->value() == 42
// result->range() == ""

// Read an integer, aligned to the left ('<'), with whitespace (default),
// with a maximum total width of 3
auto result = std::scan<int>("42  ", "{:<.3}");
// result->value() == 42
// result->range() == " "
  • In general, there seems to be a ~10% to 20% improvement in run-time performance.


  • The dependency on simdutf is removed. The library now has no external dependencies to compiled libraries
    (FastFloat, an internal dependency, is a header-only library)
  • The number of source files is dramatically decreased: there are now just the public headers,
    a private implementation header, and a private implementation source file. This cuts down the time needed to
    compile the library, and any user code including it to a half (yes, really!)


Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v3.0.0


19 May 21:15
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  • Fix documentation: default format type specifier for integers is i, not d:
    when not explicitly specified by a format specifier, the base of an integer is determined based on its prefix:
    0x... is hexadecimal, 0... or 0o... is octal, 0b... is binary, and everything else is decimal.
  • Fix a compilation error which would occur when scanning more than 11 arguments with scn::scan.
  • Small CMake adjustments to better support use as a subproject (#113, thanks @frankmiller (Frank Miller))
  • Fix misplaced include of GNUInstallDirs in CMake (#111, thanks @WangWeiLin-MV)
  • Allow for externally installed versions for GTest and Google Benchmark (#112, thanks @xvitaly (Vitaly))
  • Adjust the definition of SCN_COMPILER to fix usage with a recent Clang using modules (#109, thanks @Delta-dev-99 (Armando Martin))
  • Allow for more versions of dependencies (simdutf, fast_float)
  • Fix C++23 build failure caused by missing inclusion of <utility> for std::unreachable

Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3


19 Feb 20:46
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Minor fixes:

  • Fix segfault when runtime-parsing {:[^ as a format string.
  • Fix compilation of scan_buffer.cpp on some MSVC versions.
  • Remove stray test/ folder

Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2


12 Feb 20:59
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Minor bugfixes

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1


19 Jan 22:10
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Major overhaul, both internally and in terms of the library interface. The library is rewritten in its entirety. See the documentation at, namely the Migration guide for more details.

The changes below are relative to v1. See for changes relative to v2.0.0-beta.

Major changes include:

  • C++17 is required.
  • Several names are changed to include the scan_ prefix.
  • scn::scan returns the scanned values by value. Output parameters are no longer used.
  • scn::scan now accepts all forward_ranges (v1: bidirectional_range + default- and move constructible).
  • scn::scan returns a view (subrange) into its input, and never takes ownership.
  • Scope is more focused: list operations, ignore, getline, and file have been removed.
  • Support for regular expressions.
  • Better Unicode support.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Completely reworked internals.

Full Changelog: v2.0.0-beta...v2.0.0


05 Nov 00:31
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Expected to be the last release in the v1-branch.
Development efforts are now fully directed towards v2.


  • Allow disabling support for individual types with SCN_DISABLE_TYPE_* (#70, thanks @cjvaughter (CJ Vaughter))
    • Also, allow for disabling the fallbacks to std::from_chars and std::strtod when scanning floats
    • This provides possible binary size reductions, and allows better use in e.g. embedded platforms
  • Allow disabling runtime localization with SCN_DISABLE_LOCALE (#71, thanks @cjvaughter (CJ Vaughter))
  • Parse leading + signs in floats (reported in #77)


  • Fix scn::wrap(std::string_view&&) being ambiguous on gcc (reported in #83)
  • Fix compiler error in scn::basic_string_view<CharT>::substr (reported in #86)
  • Fix memory safety issues found with ASan and UBsan in
    small_vector, detail::utf16::validate_next, and detail::get_buffer.
  • Add COMPONENT to CMake install targets (#80, thanks @pawelwod)
  • Fix calculation of SCN_MSVC from _MSC_FULL_VER (#62, thanks @matbech (Mathias Berchtold))
  • Fix MSVC C4146 warning in integer_scanner (#64, thanks @matbech (Mathias Berchtold))
  • Use if constexpr and std::unreachable if available (#61, #78, thanks @matbech (Mathias Berchtold))
  • Improve error messages given from the float parser


29 Oct 18:49
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2.0.0-beta Pre-release

Major overhaul, both internally and in terms of the library interface. The library is rewritten in its entirety. See the documentation (note the new URL:, namely the Migration guide for more details.

This is a beta pre-release. There may still be some bugs. Changes before v2.0.0 proper are possible, but aren't probably going to be major.

Major changes include:

  • C++17 is required.
  • Several names are changed to include the scan_ prefix.
  • scn::scan returns the scanned values by value. Output parameters are no longer used.
  • scn::scan now accepts all forward_ranges (v1: bidirectional_range + default- and move constructible).
  • scn::scan returns a view (subrange) into its input, and never takes ownership.
  • Scope is more focused: list operations, ignore, getline, and file have been removed.
  • Performance improvements
  • Completely reworked internals


19 Mar 12:46
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  • Change SCN_VERSION to report the correct version number: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.2 (#57)


16 Mar 12:37
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  • Fix issue with values being skipped when using files and file.sync() (#56)
    • Every call to file.sync() needs to be accompanied by a call to reset_begin_iterator() to the result object
    • This is a temporary fix, permanent fix coming in v2.0.0
int i;
auto ret = scn::scan(scn::cstdin(), "{}", i);

// Not necessary with input and prompt
ret = scn::input("{}", i);