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This service is used for business-process management. It's a Spring Boot application over Camunda Platform 7.


Business-process-management-service provides a set of components that extend Camunda API:

Service Usage

As this service is designed to be used in Kubernetes in scope of a platform there described instruction only for usage for local development.



  1. Installed Java OpenJDK 11, Maven and Docker.
  2. Maven is configured to use Nexus repository with all needed dependencies.

    NOTE: Using Java JDK with version higher than 11 may cause some runtime problems.

    E.g. test may fail on higher versions because of secp256k1 elliptic curve that is no longer supported.


Quick installation

  1. Build the service
    mvn package
  2. Copy the application jar file to root project directory
    cp ddm-bpm/target/ddm-bpm-1.9.0.jar target/
  3. Run Docker-compose
    docker-compose up -d --scale redis-sentinel=3

    NOTE: If one of the redis-sentinel was failed because of already bound port, then likely this port was bound by other redis-sentinel service. In that case just execute the docker-compose again. It may require up to 3 attempts.

  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/openapi to open services Swagger, or connect to localhost:5005 with remote debug.
  5. In case if you need to rebuild the service you also need to remove service docker image:
    docker rmi bpms_business-process-management-service -f

Installation with Kafka

To install the service with Kafka, it's needed to perform next steps before building the jar file:

  1. Enable Kubernetes on your docker: instruction.
  2. Deploy Strimzi by instruction on Docker Desktop tab.
  3. DO NOT create an Apache Kafka cluster from Strimzi instructions, instead perform next:
    kubectl apply -f docker-local/kafka/kafka-cluster.yml -n kafka 
  4. Install Kafka-ui (Optional):
    1. Install Helm
    2. Add helm repo:
      helm repo add kafka-ui
    3. Install kafka-ui to kafka namespace:
      helm install kafka-ui kafka-ui/kafka-ui \
         --set envs.config.KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_NAME=local \
         --set envs.config.KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_BOOTSTRAPSERVERS=kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 \
         --namespace kafka
    4. Port forward to Kafka-UI pod:
      kubectl -n kafka port-forward svc/kafka-ui 8083:80
    5. Go to Kafka-UI
  5. Define what node port is used by kafka:
    kubectl -n kafka get service kafka-cluster-kafka-external-bootstrap -o=jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}{"\n"}'
  6. In application-local.yml change:
    1. data-platform.kafka.enabled: true
    2. data-platform.kafka.bootstrap: docker-desktop:${NODE_PORT} where ${NODE_PORT} is port defined in previous step
    3. data-platform.kafka.consumer.enabled: true
  7. Perform steps from Quick installation


  1. Generate JWT token for the service (e.g. here). The token must have preferred_username claim. And use it in Authorize in Swagger.

    NOTE: by default service have no authorization in local profile. This is needed if business-process accesses user info or uses the token in integrations.

  2. Deploy executable business-process using POST /deployment

    NOTE: tenant_id must be null so disable the checkbox Send empty value if you're using Swagger. Also, file extension must be .bpmn. In other case you won't see your process in the list of processes.

  3. Start business-process using POST /process-definition/key/{key}/start where key is business-process-definition key defined in bpmn file. If your business-process requires start-form then it's needed to add required document to Redis first:
    1. Go to http://localhost:8081/ and login username - root, password qwerty.
    2. Select local(redis-master:6379:0) and press Add New Key...
    3. Set any Key, choose type Hash. In field Field set data. And in Value set needed json object.
    4. Used Key is needed to pass as variable with name start_form_ceph_key in starting business-process request body.
  4. Mock every request that will be needed for business-process using Wiremock UI:
    1. digital-document-service-mock
    2. excerpt-service-api-mock
    3. digital-signature-ops-mock
    4. registry-rest-api-mock
    5. keycloak-mock
  5. Complete business-process tasks using POST /extended/task/{id}/complete where id is a task id which can be retrieved by selecting task list (/extended/task or /extended/task/lightweight). Every task will require to add corresponding document to Redis first:
    1. Go to http://localhost:8081/ and login username - root, password qwerty.
    2. Select local(redis-master:6379:0) and press Add New Key...
    3. In Key field set value bpm-form-submissions:process/{processInstanceId}/task/{taskDefinitionKey} where processInstanceId is an id of current process-instance and taskDefinitionKey is key of the task defined in bpmn file.
    4. Choose type Hash. In field Field set data. And in Value set needed json object.


  1. Stop the docker-compose if it's running:
    docker-compose stop
  2. Run verify on maven:
    mvn verify
  3. On Mac it can asc for accepting incoming network connections to redis-server app. Click Accept.


The ddm-bpm-parent is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.


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