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Puppet module: django


This module is no more actively maintained and will hardly be updated.

Please find an alternative module from other authors or consider Tiny Puppet as replacement.

If you want to maintain this module, contact Alessandro Franceschi

This is a Puppet django module from the second generation of Example42 Puppet Modules.

Made by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42

Official site:

Official git repository:

Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.

This module requires functions provided by the Example42 Puppi module.

For detailed info about the logic and usage patterns of Example42 modules read README.usage on Example42 main modules set.

USAGE - Basic management

  • Install django using your distro package, if available

      class { "django": }
  • Install the latest django version from upstream site

      class { "django":
        install             => "source",
  • Install the latest django version from upstream site using puppi. You will have a 'puppi deploy django' to deploy and update django.

      class { "django":
        install             => "puppi",
  • Install source from a custom url to a custom install_destination path. The following parameters apply both for "source" and "puppi" install methods. Puppi method may be used to manage deployment updates (given the $install_source is updated). By default install_source is set to upstream developer and install_destination to Web (App) server document root Pre and post installation commands may be already defined (check django/manifests/params.pp) override them only if needed. Url_check and url_pattern are used for application checks, if monitor is enabled. Override only if needed.

      class { "django":
        install             => "source",
        install_source      => "",
  • Remove django

      class { "django":
        absent => true
  • Enable auditing without without making changes on existing django configuration files

      class { "django":
        audit_only => true

USAGE - Overrides and Customizations

  • Use custom sources for main config file

      class { "django":
        source => [ "puppet:///modules/lab42/django/wp-config.php-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/lab42/django/wp-config.php" ], 
  • Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir

      class { "django":
        source_dir       => "puppet:///modules/lab42/django/conf/",
        source_dir_purge => false, # Set to true to purge any existing file not present in $source_dir
  • Use custom template for main config file

      class { "django":
        template => "example42/django/wp-config.php.erb",      
  • Automaticallly include a custom subclass

      class { "django:"
        my_class => 'django::example42',

USAGE - Example42 extensions management

  • Activate puppi (recommended, but disabled by default) Note that this option requires the usage of Example42 puppi module

      class { "django": 
        puppi    => true,
  • Activate puppi and use a custom puppi_helper template (to be provided separately with a puppi::helper define ) to customize the output of puppi commands

      class { "django":
        puppi        => true,
        puppi_helper => "myhelper", 
  • Activate automatic monitoring (recommended, but disabled by default) This option requires the usage of Example42 monitor and relevant monitor tools modules

      class { "django":
        monitor      => true,
        monitor_tool => [ "nagios" , "puppi" ],

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