Pixel Mixup was created to give users an easy platform to create, manage and share pixel art in a 16x16 layout. Once a user creates a profile, they can create new artwork, along with populating previous canvases. The pixel editor allows individual tiles to be colored using an rgb color picker, a hexcode color format or a color eyedropper tool.
The application can be executed by performing an npm installation using the "npm install" command. Following the installation, if setup for the first time, the "npm run seed" command should be used to seed database values and allow the site to populate with information. The "npm run develop" command can be used to launch the server @ http://localhost:3001. Alternatively, the live page can also be accessed through a live heroku server @ https://bit-by-bit-2022-05-05.herokuapp.com/. This will allow a user to view the website and create or view pixel art.
This website can be used to easily create, manage and store pixel art. A user can create a profile at which point they can access previously created canvases.
This application uses JavaScript, React.js, JEST, HTML, node.js, express routing, mysql2, graphql, apollo-server along with node package management and inquirer. It should be viewed by launching a live server in order to access the @ http://localhost:3001 or on a Heroku server @ https://bit-by-bit-2022-05-05.herokuapp.com/
Pixel Mixup GitHub Deployed Link.
Pixel Mixup GitHub Link.
Pixel Mixup Heroku Link.