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RISC-V ISA Specs Converted to HTML and YAML.


Build Environment

A Docker environment is used to install all dependencies and build the documents.

The files are:

Dockerfile          - Create an environment with all documentation tools
                      and scripting languages installed.  
docker-compose.yaml - Configuration used to run Docker.
Gemfile             - Dependencies for ruby.

Build Modes

plain : HTML output for gh-pages.

jekyll : HTML output jekyll based static web page. (e.g


 external/     - Submodules linking to official documentation repos.
 generators/   - Generate HTML and YAML from source in external/
 tex/          - Quick and dirty patch for some tex files.

Generator Scripts

Makefile - Top level build script
   var.mak - Common build vars/paths etc.
   targets.mak - Common build targets.
   targets-tex.mak - Recipes to convert tex to html.
   targets-adoc.mak - Recipes to convert asciidoc to html.
   scripts/ - Import CSRs from riscv-opcodes repo
       convert_csrs.rb - Generate CSR definition YAML file from 
                          riscv-opcodes and riscv-isa-manual
       convert_opcodes.rb - Generate Opcodes YAML 
       html_extract.rb - Helper module to extract opcode info from HTML.
       collect-headings.rb - Create YAML file to be used as menu data
       pre-process.rb - Extract images and tables that pandoc can't 
                        render and convert them via tex to SVG or PNG.
       post-process.rb - A set of perl regular expressions to 
                         clean up pandoc output.
       img-modules.tex - Tex dependencies for images extracted 
                         by pre-process.rb.
       new-commands.tex - Tex commands for pandoc generation.