The 4D Labyrinth is a simple game illustrating the 4-dimensional geometry.
The player (represented by a yellow cube, which is actually a tesseract - a 4-dimensional analog of a cube) has to travel through a labyrinth of tunnels laid out in 4 dimensions and find the target, which is represented by a blue tesseract.
What the player sees is actually just a 3D slice of the 4D hyperspace. It's analogous to only seeing a 2-dimensional slice of a 3D space, in which, for example, a cube could be seen as a square, a rectangle, a triangle, or even a hexagon. Similarly, a 3D slice of a tesseract can be a cube, a cuboid or some other weird shape. The visible slice can be rotated, giving the player access to the whole 4D space.
The player can move using the following keys:
- W/S/A/D - move forwards/backwards/left/right
- Q/E - move up/down
- T/G - pitch down/up
- F/H - roll left/right
- R/Y - yaw left/right
- U/J/C/V/B/N - rotate the visible slice of the hyperspace
- The program uses OpenGL via the awesome Glium crate