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FlectoneChat is a modern plugin for Spigot servers that is designed to improve gameplay without interfering with it, and
focuses on improving chat.
Features | Integrations | Commands | bStats
Set your own personal colors for the entire plugin
Deaths, advancements, joins, quits..
Chat, books, item names, signs
F3, Motd, icons, TAB, etc.
Warns, bans, mutes, kicks
Spy for any inputs (chat, commands, signs, books, anvil)
Check out all modules in the official documentation
- InteractiveChat - it works
- LuckPerms - group weights
- SuperVanish & PremiumVanish - hide all interactions
- Vault - per group configuration
- Plasmo Voice & Simple Voice - mutes sync
- DiscordSRV - send flectonechat's actions to discord
, /ball
, /ban
, /banlist
, /me
, /broadcast
, /chatcolor
, /chatsettings
, /clearchat
, /firstonline
, /flectonechat
, /geolocate
, /helper
, /ignore
, /ignorelist
, /kick
, /lastonline
, /mail
, /clearmail
, /maintenance
, /mark
, /tell
, /mute
, /mutelist
, /ping
, /poll
, /reply
, /spit
, /spy
, /stream
, /tictactoe
, /try
, /dice
, /unban
, /unmute
, /warn
, /unwarn
, /warnlist
, /geolocate
, /translateto