Kubernetes cluster configuration that uses GitOps to keep state.
Includes Flux, Helm, cert-manager, Nginx Ingress Controller and Sealed Secrets.
- fluxcd.io
- helm.sh
- github.com/jetstack/cert-manager
- kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/
- github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets
- Ivar Abrahamsen : @flurdy : github.com/flurdy : eray.uk
- 2020-02-13 Flux 1.1, fluxcd.io annotations, and Helm 3
- 2019-11-07 Flux 0.16, flux.weave.works annotations and Helm 2
This Lemmings guide has since 2021 been superseded by a Flux v2 based guide, the Double Dragon. Please follow it for a more up to date cluster management with gitops.
brew install kubectl
Create Kubernetes cluster (see Kubernetes as a Service providers below)
Set up Kubernetes context (see provider CLIs and
below) -
Test cluster connection:
kubectl cluster-info
brew install hub; hub clone flurdy/lemmings my-lemmings; cd my-lemmings; hub create -p my-lemmings; hub remote add upstream flurdy/lemmings; git push -u origin master
Replace my-lemmings with whatever you want to call your cluster
Flux can also talk to Bitbucket, Gitlab and self-hosted repos
- Helm released v3 in November 2019.
- If you have other clusters using Helm 2 tread carefully to make sure you can support both v2 and v3.
brew install helm@3
Vanilla Helm 3 includes no chart repositories. Lets add the core one
helm repo add stable \ https:// kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/
- If you need to use Helm 2, refer to an earlier version of Lemmings more aimed at Helm 2 + Tiller
- Note you may need to specify specific flux.weave.works annotations and HelmRelease versions to keep it working as things start to assume Helm 3
- Change email address in:
git add -p issuer; git commit -m "Updated email in certificate issuers"; git push
helm repo add fluxcd https://charts.fluxcd.io;
helm repo update;
kubectl apply -f flux/crd-flux-helm.yml;
kubectl create namespace flux;
helm upgrade -i flux \
--namespace=flux \
--set helm.versions=v3 \
--set git.url=git@github.com:YOURUSERNAME/my-lemmings \
- Replace YOURUSERNAME/me-lemmings with your username and repository.
helm upgrade -i helm-operator \
--namespace=flux \
--set git.ssh.secretName=flux-git-deploy \
--set helm.versions=v3 \
and generate SSH keybrew install fluxctl; export FLUX_FORWARD_NAMESPACE=flux; fluxctl identity --k8s-fwd-ns flux
Add Flux's SSH key to your github repo with write access:
Tail log:
kubectl logs -n flux deploy/flux -f
If you waited a few minutes then your GitOps configured Kubernetes cluster is now live.
(We baked one earlier for you:
) -
View/Edit workflows/hello/deployment.yml
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: hello-deployment annotations: fluxcd.io/automated: "true" spec: selector: matchLabels: app: hello replicas: 2 template: metadata: labels: app: hello spec: containers: - name: hello-container image: nginxdemos/hello:0.2 ports: - containerPort: 80
- Note the
annotation which tells Flux to upgrade it when possible.
- Note the
Edit workflows/hello/service.yml
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: hello-service spec: selector: app: hello ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80
Edit workflows/hello/ingress.yml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: hello-ingress annotations: kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-staging spec: # tls: # - hosts: # - hello.example.com # secretName: letsencrypt-certificate-staging rules: - host: hello.example.com http: paths: - backend: serviceName: hello-service servicePort: 80
The SSL certificate part is commented out for now as it wont work without a real domain that Letsencrypt can do a reverse verification call to.
If you made any changes:
git add workflows/hello git commit -m "App: Hello" git push
Wait (max 5 minutes) for Flux to detect your changes and apply them
Or if impatient:
fluxctl sync
Check if the Hello cluster resources are running
kubectl get deployment hello-deployment kubectl get service hello-service kubectl get ingress hello-ingress kubectl get pods -l app=hello
Find the ingress controller's
External IP
kubectl get services nginx-ingress-controller
to resolve the URL. Replace11.22.33.44
with the external IP. -
to view itcurl -H "Host: hello.example.com" \ --resolve hello.example.com:80: \ --resolve hello.example.com:443: \ http://hello.example.com | lynx -stdin
This should show a basic hello world page, with an Nginx logo and some server address, name and date details.
- Now if ever hub.docker.com/r/nginxdemos/hello bumps its version to higher than 0.2, Flux will detect it and bump your version in Kubernetes, and also commit the change back to your Git repository.
- Unfortunately that image has not been updated for 2 years and unlikely to be updated, but when you start to use your own images they will be automagically updated if the deployment's annotation
is set to true.
git rm -r workflows/hello
git commit -m "Removed app Hello"
git push
fluxctl sync
kube delete ingress hello-ingress
kube delete service hello-service
kube delete deployment hello-deployment
If you need secrets, (for private docker registry authentication, database passwords, API tokens), DO NOT commit them in plain text to the Git repository.
Instead we will use Sealed Secrets to encrypt them.
Check if Sealed Secrets was installed by Flux:
kube get services sealed-secrets -n kube-system
Install CLI
brew install kubeseal
Fetch the cluster's Sealed Secrets' public key
kubeseal --fetch-cert \ --controller-namespace=flux \ --controller-name=sealed-secrets \ > sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets-cert.pem git add sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets-cert.pem git commit -m "Sealed secret public key"
Create secrets but do not apply them to the cluster.
E.g with the
argument.mkdir secrets; kubectl create secret generic basic-auth \ --from-literal=user=admin \ --from-literal=password=admin \ --dry-run \ -o json > secrets/basic-auth.json
Encrypt secret and transform to a sealed secret:
kubeseal --format=yaml \ --cert=sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets-cert.pem \ < secrets/basic-auth.json \ > secrets/secret-basic-auth.yml git add secrets/secret-basic-auth.yml rm secrets/basic-auth.json git commit -m "Sealed basic auth secret" git push
After a little time you should see the secret in your cluster
kubectl describe secret basic-auth
Afterwards if you no longer need it, delete the file and secret:
git rm secrets/secret-basic-auth.yml git commit -m "Removed basic auth" git push fluxctl sync kubectl delete secret basic-auth kubectl delete SealedSecret basic-auth
Note: Step by step Docker Registry Cookbook
- Add/update your deployments, services, charts, docker registries, secrets, etc
- Once Flux is running, by convention avoid using
kubectl create|apply
etc. - Nearly all changes should be via Git and Flux.
- Any
interaction should be read only. - Flux will not remove some resources, so you might need
kubectl delete
Kubernetes as a Service
- Amazon AWS EKS: aws.amazon.com/eks/
- Google Cloud GKE: cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/
- Microsoft Azure AKS: azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/kubernetes-service/
- DigitalOcean Kubernetes: www.digitalocean.com/products/kubernetes/
Cloud provider CLI
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
brew install doctl
brew tap weaveworks/tap brew install weaveworks/tap/eksctl
brew install azure-cli
brew install kubectx
brew install octant
brew install derailed/k9s/k9s
- Certain operation takes a few minutes, e.g. pod creation.
- cert-manager 0.11+ requires kubernetes 1.15+
- Client tools are also available on Linux, Windows and more.