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Adding a new Test Shard

Casey Hillers edited this page Jun 4, 2021 · 11 revisions

Requirements for a Flutter/LUCI build

A general outline of the requirements that a Flutter CI test shard has:

  1. On LUCI, test shards map to builders. Each test shard must have its own LUCI builder. For the Framework, these are defined in flutter/infra. Generally you will need to have both a pre-submit ("try" in LUCI terminology) builder and a post-submit ("prod") builder.
  2. This LUCI builder will specify a "recipe" to run. These are starlark scripts that determine the actual CI steps to run, and are defined in Most Framework tests use the flutter/ recipe.
  3. Builders are then added to .ci.yaml. These files are read by Flutter's build dashboard, and are used for scheduling builds.

Steps to add a new Framework Test Shard

It is important to land these changes in order to prevent any failing builds during the migration period:

  1. Framework tests are run by a Dart test runner called test.dart that lives in the framework repository. Any new test shards must first be added to this file. Merge this framework change.
  2. Next, add pre-submit ("try") and post-submit ("prod") builders to flutter/infra. More detailed instructions in the flutter/infra README. Ensure that the "shard" and "subshard"/"subshards" properties match what was added to test.dart in the previous step. Merge this infra change.
  3. Update .ci.yaml in the Framework tree to include the newly added builder. Verify that the entry is marked as bringup: true. New shards should always be marked in bringup to verify they are passing on master before being able to block the tree. When opening this PR, a pre-submit check for the new test shard should be triggered. Merge this framework change.
  4. Monitor the CI results of the new shard on the Flutter build dashboard. After 10 consecutive passing builds, you can remove the bringup: true parameter from .ci.yaml in the Framework tree. This will allow the test to block the tree, preventing breakages.

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