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Matthijs van Otterdijk edited this page May 5, 2013 · 1 revision


After this orientation phase we have identified the following challenges, reasons why they are challenging and solutions.

  • Game design: With no significant game design experience in our team, this project covers a lot of new territory for us. We plan to compensate for this with bi-weekly monkey tests using both groups of returning testers and first timers. To make sure we can do tests as planned, a working version will always be present. To learn from these tests, both the interactions with the hardware and interaction among the testers will be used to improve the overall experience. The advice of designers will be used for the same purpose.
  • Touch input: With very limited documentation on the hardware and limited time with the device, attempt to interact with touch events has yet to produce favorable results. This will have to be solved as soon as possible. With the client we've agreed to have regular (supervised) access to the touch table in order to do so.