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Matthijs van Otterdijk edited this page May 5, 2013 · 1 revision

MultiTouch 4 Java (MT4J) is a Java framework for developing visually rich, multi-touch-enabled applications and games.

First impressions

MT4J development has halted somewhere in 2011, with the most recent source package left in an uncompilable state.


  • Input methods: MT4J already supports multiple input methods, from TUIO to the Windows Touch API, which are both possible input methods for the target hardware platform.
  • Loadable resources: There are several resource loaders available in MT4J. The list of supported formats include SVG, .3DS and .obj files.
  • Gesture recognition: Standard gestures are included in MT4J, with the added possibility of adding custom gestures to the embedded gesture recognition framework.
  • Flexible rendering system: MT4J support rendering schemes built on top of Processing, OpenGL and even Java2D. Depending on our needs, we could go with the least complicated abstraction level of rendering while still retaining the required level of control over the rendering process.


  • Doesn't compile: If we make the decision to use MT4J, a significant portion of available development time has to be invested in making sure MT4J compiles, is tested and is suited for our particular purposes. This development time could potentially be better spent designing and implementing an interesting and fun game.
  • Nonexistent support: Because development has halted, there is currently no active MT4J community to speak of. If unexpected problems arise in the course of this project, we are left to our own devices to solve or mitigate these problems.