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Ferdy Moon Soo Beekmans edited this page Apr 29, 2013 · 3 revisions

Quality assurance

Here described are a set of guidelines to ensure the technical quality of the project.

Code for a new feature will be worked on in a dedicated feature branch. Once it is finished it will be merged into the dev branch. Code without tests isn't finished unless there are good reasons not to (i.e. Graphics libraries).

We will follow a method based on Test Driven Development following these steps:

  • Prototyping
  • Defining interface
  • Define tests
  • Small iterations of:
    • Implement parts of the interface
    • Implement tests for the implemented code

When things break afterwards make regression tests and repair.

For large, complex and/or important features the prototyping will be done in pairs. Once this is done the code the third person will review the code.

As is the standard in Clojure, all functionality that can be isolated will be a seperate leiningen project with it's own git repository and used as a dependency.