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Game plan Delft Defence

wordempire edited this page Apr 22, 2013 · 2 revisions


Delft has come under threat. You, the players, must defend the city of Delft, the citizens and industries. Put a stop to the invaders to protect the city and gain resources which can be made into useful industries, munition, defence or infrastructure.


The game takes place on a map of a fortified Delft. On this you have defence structures, industries, residential areas and infrastructure connecting them. From outside of the city invaders will approach over land, water and through the sky.


The players can control offensive defensive structures by aiming multiple kinds of munition, each having different mechanics. Special munition can be made in the industrial complexes from the remains of enemies. The debris left by defeated enemies can be picked up by convois as resources. This will be quicker and therefor safer over better infrastructure. The industry needs laborers from the residential areas and supplies. The making of munition if done through mini games. When these mini games are performed better, the quality of the munition depends on the performance in the mini game. The attack frequency will depend on the action frequency. This game contains a couple of game play elements that complement each other. This will stimulate players to work together.


The game requires a large surface to spread out the different elements. The users players surround the table which is perfect for dialog between them.


It is very important to balance all the elements so that they are all as essential and as much fun as one another.

Closing words

This game has enough different elements to stay enjoyable for a longer period of time and stimulates cooperation between players.