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Ferdy Moon Soo Beekmans edited this page May 6, 2013 · 2 revisions

The JMonkeyEngine(JME) is a popular game engine written in java. It offers support for features including but not limited to 3d-graphics, physics, collision detection, input handling and audio.

First impressions

The JMonkey Engine is designed as a set of individual libraries, which makes it easy to only use the features you need. The website offers high-quality documentation for all the libraries and has tutorials on some basic use cases showing how one can combine some of the libraries, mainly focussed on the graphics library. Some small demo applications showing the capabilities of the graphics library have been made available, with all of these applications being subclasses of SimpleApplication. Overriding the SimpleInitApp and SimpleUpdate is the way games can be rendered.


  • Libraries for 3d graphics and physics
  • Clear documentation
  • Tutorials
  • Active community


  • Input handling framework is intrusive
  • No need for 3d support and graphics
  • Quite heavily coupled together despite being seperate libraries
  • Big time investment