Recall refines the use of Neovim marks by focusing on global marks, streamlining their usage and enhancing their visibility and navigability.
- Emphasizes global marks for cross-file functionality.
- Utilizes a consistent visual indicator in the sign column: a single sign character for all marks.
- Facilitates global mark navigation with
, circumventing the need for direct letter references. - Simplifies mark setting and removal with
, abstracting away the burden of choosing and remembering specific letters.
Recall attempts to eliminate the cognitive overhead associated with mark management, enabling you to focus on your workflow, not on mark administration. Its enhancements are strictly additive to Neovim's existing mark features, which you can continue to use to their fullest potential.
Recall showing two global marks and available commands.
Telescope integration using
:Telescope recall theme=ivy
Recall requires no configuration:
But you can customize it. Here are the default options:
sign = "",
sign_highlight = "@comment.note",
telescope = {
autoload = true,
mappings = {
unmark_selected_entry = {
normal = "dd",
insert = "<M-d>",
wshada = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 0,
Recall ships with no mappings by default. Add your own, using the Lua API or the user commands that ship with it.
Example mappings
-- Using commands:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mm", ":RecallToggle<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mn", ":RecallNext<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mp", ":RecallPrevious<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mc", ":RecallClear<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ml", ":Telescope recall<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
-- Using the Lua API:
local recall = require("recall")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mm", recall.toggle, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mn", recall.goto_next, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mp", recall.goto_prev, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mc", recall.clear, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ml", ":Telescope recall<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
Example lazy.nvim
plugin spec
version = "*",
config = function()
local recall = require("recall")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mm", recall.toggle, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mn", recall.goto_next, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mp", recall.goto_prev, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mc", recall.clear, { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ml", ":Telescope recall<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true })
If you have Telescope installed, Recall will loads its extension so that you
can use :Telescope recall
. Within the Recall Telescope picker, you can use
in normal mode or <M-d>
in insert mode to delete the selected global
To open the Recall Telescope picker, use :Telecope recall
. You can pass a
option with a Telescope built-in theme such as :Telescope recall theme=ivy
To change or unset the default mappings, use an empty string:
telescope = {
mappings = {
unmark_selected_entry = {
normal = "d",
insert = "",
If you prefer loading the Recall Telescope extension manually, do this:
telescope = {
autoload = false,
Neovim stores global mark information in the shada
file. The
option shadafile
allows you to the path where the shada
file will be
created. This can be combined with the option exrc
in order to load a
project-specific Lua configuration file for Neovim. Here is an example:
-- In your Neovim configuration:
vim.opt.exrc = true = true
-- /path/to/your/project/.nvim.lua:
vim.opt.shadafile = ".vim/project.shada"
-- Optionally, in the project's .gitignore or ~/.config/git/ignore:
Read more about exrc
: :h exrc
It is only necessary to set wshada
to true
on Neovim versions older than
0.10. Recall's default configuration does this for you. When enabled, this
option will call :wshada!
after every change to global marks in order to
guarantee their persistence in the shada
⚠️ Writing to theshada
file with:wshada!
may overwrite data such as location list entries from Neovim instances other than your current one. See:h wshada
for more details.
To learn more about this, see the related issue and pull request including a fix that ships with Neovim 0.10.
- Mark the current line.:RecallUnmark
- Unmark the current line.:RecallToggle
- Mark or unmark the current line.:RecallNext
- Navigate through marks linearly, respecting the sequence A-Z and wrapping accordingly.:RecallClear
- Clear all global marks.
- Recall identifies the 'latest' mark by picking the current cursor position if it's a global mark, or using the jump list to find the latest-jumped-to mark.
- To navigate, Recall advances sequentially through the letters with inherent
looping from
and vice versa.
I've used most of these plug-ins at some point, and they have helped me materialize the ideas for Recall.
- otavioschwanck/arrow.nvim
- ThePrimeagen/harpoon
- chentoast/marks.nvim
- jeetsukumaran/vim-markology
- kshenoy/vim-signature
You're welcome to contribute pull requests and well-crafted issues to Recall!
Recall ships with a flake.nix
and .envrc
to set
up a development shell with development dependencies. You need
Nix in order to use it. If you're not using Nix, then
simply read the dependencies listed in flake.nix
and install
them on your system, or use
as a guide.
To format the code in this repository, run ./