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Roll Formulas

github-actions[bot] edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 11 revisions

Up to date as of 3.2.0

To explore the data model within Foundry to find the properties detailed below, here are a few approaches:

• Select a token, then open up the dev tools (F12 on Win; ⌥⌘I on Mac), and paste this into the Console (or save it as a Script macro in your hotbar): console.log(canvas.tokens.controlled[0].actor.getRollData());

• Or: Install the "Autocomplete Inline Properties" module, to be able to just start typing in a supported field and have the available properties pop up (not all systems supported yet).

• Or: Right-click an actor in the sidebar and choose Export Data, which will get you a JSON file you can browse through. (This won’t contain any values that are derived at roll-time.)

Actor Properties


@abilities.str - Strength

@abilities.dex - Dexterity

@abilities.con - Constitution - Intelligence

@abilities.wis - Wisdom

@abilities.cha - Charisma

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with the three-letter code from above.

@abilities.*.value - Ability score

@abilities.*.mod - Base ability modifier

@abilities.*.dc - Feature DC based on this ability, equals 8 + prof + modifier

@abilities.*.checkBonus - Flat ability check bonus, combining ability-specific bonuses with global check bonuses

@abilities.*.checkProf - Ability check proficiency details

@abilities.*.save - Flat ability save modifier (without any dice bonuses)

@abilities.*.saveBonus - Flat ability save bonus, combining ability-specific bonuses with global save bonuses

@abilities.*.saveProf - Ability save proficiency details


Armor Class - Value that will be used as final value if flat calculation is set, or as base with natural calculation - Base value of equipped armor or 10 if no armor is worn - Actor's dexterity modifier capped by any max dexterity allowed by equipped armor - Base AC, result of the selected AC formula - AC bonus provided by an equipped shield - Additional bonuses to AC provided by spells or magic items - Any cover effects for the actor, must be set by active effects or modules - Final AC value, result of adding ac.base + ac.shield + ac.bonus + ac.cover


@attributes.attunement.value - Number of currently attuned items

@attributes.attunement.max - Maximum number of attunement slots


@attributes.concentration.limit - Maximimum number of effects the actor can sustain concentration on. - The final bonus an actor has to concentration saving throws.

Death Saves

@attributes.death.success & .failure - Death save successes & failures


@attributes.encumbrance.value and .max - The current and maximum capacity of the actor.

@attributes.encumbrance.pct - The percentage encumbrance (a number, with decimals, between 0 and 100).


@attributes.exhaustion - The current exhaustion value (an integer between 0 and 6).

Hit Dice

@attributes.hd.value - The actor's current number of remaining hit dice.

@attributes.hd.max - The actor's total amount of hit dice.

@attributes.hd.largest - The denomination of the actor's largest hit die (e.g. "d8").

@attributes.hd.smallest - The denomination of the actor's smallest hit die (e.g. "d8").

@attributes.hd.largestFace - The size of the actor's largest hit die (e.g. the "8" of "d8").

@attributes.hd.smallestFace - The size of the actor's smallest hit die (e.g. the "8" of "d8").

@attributes.hd.bySize.[denom] - How many remaining hit dice the actor has of the specific denomination, e.g., @attributes.hd.bySize.d6 for the number of remaining d6 hit dice.

@attributes.hd.pct - The percentage of remaining hit dice (current over maximum).

Hit Points

@attributes.hp.max - Maximum hit points (not including any changes from temporary max).

@attributes.hp.value - Current hit points (not including temp).

@attributes.hp.temp - Temporary hit points.

@attributes.hp.tempmax - Temporary changes to max hit points.

@attributes.hp.pct - Percentage hit points (current over maximum).


@attributes.init.mod - Actor's base initiative modifier derived from its Dexterity. - Initiative proficiency details. - Final initiative modifier.


@attributes.movement.burrow - The actor's burrowing speed.

@attributes.movement.climb - The actor's climbing speed. - The actor's flying speed.

@attributes.movement.swim - The actor's swimming speed.

@attributes.movement.walk - The actor's walking speed.


@attributes.senses.blindsight - The actor's blindsight range.

@attributes.senses.darkvision - The actor's darkvision range.

@attributes.senses.tremorsense - The actor's tremorsense range.

@attributes.senses.truesight - The actor's truesight range.

Other Attributes - Base, numerical proficiency value (does not reflect options like Proficiency Dice)

@attributes.spelldc - Spell save DC based on the selected spellcasting ability

@attributes.spellmod - Base ability modifier for the actor's selected spellcasting ability


Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with identifier specified on the class item.

@classes.*.levels - The current level of the class.

@classes.*.hitDice - The hit die denomination of the class, e.g., 'd8'.

@classes.*.hitDiceUsed - How many hit dice this class has expended.


@currency.pp, .gp, .sp, .ep, .cp - Amount of each type of current held by actor.


@details.level - Overall character level. - Challenge rating.

@details.xp.value - Actor's total XP earned (or the XP a monster is worth).

@details.xp.min and .max - XP range for the actor's current level.

@details.xp.pct - Progress towards the next level.


@flags.* - An arbitrary object added to the roll data object for convenience. There are no rules regarding the properties held here, as they are added as needed by the system, modules, or macros.


@prof - Actor proficiency.

@prof.term - Either flat proficiency value or dice, depending on whether "Proficiency Dice" settings is set in system settings.

@prof.flat - Flat proficiency value, regardless of settings.

@prof.dice - Dice-based proficiency value, regardless of settings.

@prof.multiplier - The contextual multiplier depending on proficiency level (0, 0.5, 1, or 2).


@resources.primary, .secondary, .tertiary - Three resource slots

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with one of the slots above.

@resources.*.value - The remaining resource value.

@resources.*.max - The maximum value of this resource.


Scale Value Identifiers

Scale Value Advancements can be added to Class, Subclass, Race, and Background item types, which will define how the identifiers used are generated. The identifiers used will follow this general format: @scale.parent-item-identifier.scale-value-identifier where the parent-item-identifier is defined in the item the advancement is added to, and the scale-value-identifier is defined within the Advancement itself.

Examples from the SRD: Race item - Dragonborn's Breath Weapon: @scale.dragonborn.breath-weapon Class item - Rogue's Sneak Attack: @scale.rogue.sneak-attack Subclass item - Life Domain's Divine Strike:

Scale Values that are a Scale Type of Dice have additional formulas that can be used to reference specific parts of the die expression, as detailed below.

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with the identifier of the Parent Item the advancement was created on.

Note: Replace the ** in the following formulas with the identifier defined within the Advancement itself.

@scale.*.** - The value of the Scale Value referenced.

@scale.*.**.number - Scale Value Type: Dice Only - The number of Dice defined in the Scale Value (e.g. 3 of 3d8).

@scale.*.**.die - Scale Value Type: Dice Only - The Die defined in the Scale Value (e.g. d8 of 3d8).

@scale.*.**.faces - Scale Value Type: Dice Only - The number of faces on the Die defined in the Scale Value (e.g. 8 of 3d8).


@skills.acr - Acrobatics

@skills.ani - Animal Handling

@skills.arc - Arcana

@skills.ath - Athletics

@skills.dec - Deception

@skills.his - History

@skills.ins - Insight

@skills.itm - Intimidation

@skills.inv - Investigation - Medicine

@skills.nat - Nature

@skills.prc - Perception

@skills.prf - Performance

@skills.per - Persuasion

@skills.rel - Religion

@skills.slt - Sleight of Hand

@skills.ste - Stealth

@skills.sur - Survival

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with the three-letter code from above.

@skills.*.mod - Ability modifier from the default ability.

@skills.*.prof - Skill proficiency details.

@skills.*.bonus - Flat skill check bonus, combining skill-specific bonus, ability check bonus, and global skill bonus

@skills.*.total - Total skill check modifier (without any dice bonuses)

@skills.*.passive - Passive skill value equalling 10 + total + bonuses.passive.


@spells.spell1, .spell2, .spell3, etc. - Normal spell slot levels.

@spells.pact - Pact slots.

Note: Replace the * in the following formulas with one of the spell slots above.

@spells.*.value - The currently remaining number of slots at this level.

@spells.*.max - Maximum number of slots at this level.

@spells.*.override - A value that overrides the calculated max slots.

@spells.*.level - The level of the relevant spell slots (e.g., the level of the pact slots, or the '3' in 'spell3').

Item Properties

Items have roll data same as actors, but only while said item is owned by an actor (i.e., is placed on their sheet). The roll data of item is an extension of the actor's roll data, adding @scaling & @item as additional properties.

@scaling - Current scaling of an activity when used (so a 3rd level spell cast at 3rd level would be 1).

@scaling.increase - Scaling steps above the baseline (so a 3rd level spell cast at 3rd level would be 0).

The most common @item properties are:

@item.uses.value - The current Limited Uses available on the item.

@item.uses.max - The max Limited Uses of this item. - The saving throw DC of this item.

@item.level - The spell level of this item (for spells only).

@item.levels - The class level of this item (for classes only).