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Folders and files

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This macOS workflow (Create Encrypted Image.workflow) is an Automator Quick Action, which adds a context popup on folders in Finder. When activated, the workflow launches a new Terminal window that helps users encrypt a folder and its contents. The resulting DMG disk image requires a password to unlock.

Installation and Usage

1. Download this repository as a .zip file Download fepository as ZIP
2. To inspect the script without installing, you can Right Click Create Encrypted Image.workflow, and select Open with Automator Inspect script with Automator
3. To install the script, right click Create Encrypted Image.workflow, and select Open With Automator Installer Install the workflow
4. Click Install to register the quick action Register the quick action
5. Confirm installation, by right clicking a folder, and checking that Quick Actions now contains the workflow Confirm quick action enabled
6. A Terminal window will prompt for sudo, which is your Mac admin's password. It is required to run the command.

7. You will be prompted for a password to encrypt the folder with. This is distinct from the sudo password, and will be required to decrypt the DMG.
Encrypting a folder
8. You should see a new file appear at the same location as the folder you encrypted. Double-click it, then enter your password to decrypt it. Decrypt the image


The workflow installs under ~/Library/Services. Just delete Create Encrypted Image.workflow from there and it's all gone!

Easier sudo

You can use Touch ID to authorize sudo, which I find pairs nicely with this workflow. See how here:

Script contents

on run {input, parameters}
    set folderPath to POSIX path of item 1 of input
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script "sudo hdiutil create -size 20mb -fs apfs -encryption AES-256 " & quoted form of folderPath & " -srcfolder " & quoted form of folderPath & "; exit"
    end tell
    return input
end run

Script explanation

Set the folderPath variable to be the input folder

set folderPath to POSIX path of item 1 of input

Open, and bring it to the foreground

tell application "Terminal"
end tell

Do the encryption work

do script "sudo hdiutil create -size 20mb -fs apfs -encryption AES-256 '" & folderPath & "' -srcfolder '" & folderPath & "'; exit"


  • This is some AppleScript that runs a Bash command, expanding the folderPath variable into the hdiutil arguments
  • My understanding is that -size 20mb just sets the initial size. The resulting DMG will be more or less, depending on what you encrypt.
  • -fs apfs -encryption AES-256 sets the filesystem type and encryption type to use. Last I checked, AES-256 is the best encryption supported by hdiutil in this context.
  • The folderPath variable is used twice: as the input path, and as the output path. The output path will automatically append .dmg onto the end of folderPath when the command completes.


  • Add notification upon successful completion (inspiration)