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The way to start a Django project with Docker and docker-compose


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The way to start a Django project with Docker

Technology Stack

  • Docker v20.x
  • Docker-compose v1.28
  • Django v3.x

Getting Started


  1. Clone this git repository to your local machine.

  2. Install docker and docker-compose using official documentation.

  3. Add user to the docker group to run commands without sudo:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  1. Update settings in dev.env and confetti/settings/

  2. Go to the project root and run:

docker-compose up
  1. Create Django superuser in the container(in the second shell):
docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser 
  1. Run tests(optional):
docker-compose exec web python test 
  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/.


  1. Create and fill .env and confetti/settings/

  2. Run application:

docker-compose -f up
  1. Generate certificates(see next section).

  2. Navigate to https://localhost/.


How to generate ssl certificates? Follow this guide.

The simplest way with less headaches:

  1. ssh to the server and go to the project root, assume that you configured domains properly:
docker-compose -f exec nginx sh
  1. Install certbot:
apk update && apk add certbot certbot-nginx
  1. Generate certificates, we use volumes so we don't need to copy certs manually, don't forget to commit them or even better exclude them from git tracking:
certbot certonly --nginx # follow instructions
  1. Update data in deployment/nginx/app.conf, and then:
docker-compose -f up --build

Ad Hoc docker/docker-compose commands (put in .bash_aliases):

alias dcubn=docker-compose build --no-cache
alias dcub=docker-compose up --build
alias dcu=docker-compose up

⭐️ Thanks everyone who has starred the project, it means a lot!

Happy coding 😊