This project is a basic way of putting the pieces together. After working and trying to run Camunda with Keycloak, I found some refs.
The main work was on Dockerfile, where downloads of needed jars are made and some configs and adjusts made in the base image to configure keycloak server certificate, for example.
This project are not finished yet. Work in progress.
First, you need to start Keycloak and configure it like this
So, run docker-compose -f docker-compose-keycloak.yml up -d
After that, you need to download keycloak.json config file of your client and save it at folder 'config/'.
Then you need to adjust docker-compose-camunda.yaml file with your config.
Finally, run docker-compose -f docker-compose-camunda.yaml up --build
To generate keycloak.json as a secret you need to run this command:
kubectl create secret generic camunda-config -n keymunda --from-file=conf/keycloak.json --dry-run -o yaml >
To bring up your environment run helmfile sync