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PSC Meeting 2023 06 16

TC Haddad edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 20 revisions

Previous Meeting


tchaddad, Elil, jmckenna, theduckylitte, klassenjs, blammo


planning for 2nd half of 2023

post-Release of 3.11 topics

  • Error in the desktop demo:
  • Mobile Demo is currently broken... duck will take a look
  • Some request for mobile enhancements - tchaddad will add issues to the tracker
  • Elil raises for discussion. theduckylittle: I'm sorta ambivalent. Lazy dev does not want to change the code. Consistency me says "This will require clobbering some events in the life cycle that might make other bugs." UX me says, "I get it."" Everyone agrees surprises are bad, duck thinks he can see a way forward, will report back...

Measure tool improvements!

Lincoln county is excited about these. One open question was: How should we handle truncated digits? E.g. if we are given three segment lengths of 1.552, 1.554, 1.554, we display 1.55, 1.55, 1.55. Should the total be 4.65 or 4.66?

the "proper" thing to do with measurements is full precision and round the last one all the while using appropriate units. Everyone seems in agreement on this, so that's where we will go

Other than this, everyone should check the new improvements out - very nice!

GeoMoose Report for the AGM

blammo: I edited them a couple of months ago when the call came out, but a couple of things may have changed since then. Our slide is here,:

Google Domains transition will affect Geomoose.*

This is more of a heads up, and probably nothing news, but duck have been using Google Domains for like 10 years and Google is doing a Google to Google Domains. Squarespace is supposed to buy everything up and have a smooth transition including the DNS management. Hopefully that works out but if there are blips, that's why.

"To Google" : Search "To do a Google": Murder a nice product

Maybe make a screenshot/dump of the domain in case we have to move it. The registration is safe.

offtopic: is HTTP/2 desirable in our space?

jmckenna is looking for thoughts on this topic (was raised as an MS4W issue). klassenjs is pro http2: Is this a question of if HTTP2 is enabled on our servers or a question of if we've optimized GeoMoose for best loading over HTTP2?. Both!

If it's not enabled on the * it is an oversight. (This has been checked, and in fact it is enabled on *

The speed and savings aren't as high as advertised but they aren't zero. I usually have it enabled on servers and anything served from a cloud bucket (S3, GCS, Azure) has it enabled.

I'm not sure as much about optimizing for HTTP/2. I think the general consensus is don't consolidate as much as webpack does by default (1 file) but don't go crazy and leave everything separate either. For apache, it is just (1) having HTTPS already setup and (2) telling it it's ok to use it. (HTTP/3 is a bit of a mess though).

jmckenna will plan to add http2 to MS4W 5

Next month

  • Let's think about what we want to get done in the second half of 2023!
  • vitejs considerations since all the major browsers now support Javascript modules

Meeting adjourned 11:59AM Pacific time

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