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PSC Meeting 2024 02 16

TC Haddad edited this page Mar 19, 2024 · 5 revisions

Previous Meeting


theduckylittle, jmckenna, blammo, klassenjs, tchaddad


  • Revise budget
  • Sprint Planning
  • Next month

Revise budget

We need to revise budget ($2,500) as per, This topic didn't generate a lot of specific discussion, as it seemed clear that we mainly would like to keep the budget as-is, and to do that the sprint item of $1,500 would need to be supported in a different way. The most obvious way to make the adjustment is to focus the amount of money that we have in the SharedGeo account on the Sprint costs, as this would also help us satisfy SharedGeo's request to have a plan for those dollars.

Sprint Planning

Most discussion at this meeting focused on the potential sprint, to see if we could bring some clarity on what we would like to happen.Duck asked what the PSC would think about doing the code sprint in the Minneapolis area, and there was a general openness, so a couple of venue options were discussed, along with general size requirements for rooms (12 - 20 people) and time duration (2-3 days). Tentatively June could be a good month for weather in MN, and duck proposed a general schedule consisting of a semi-organized meeting for the first night (just a social at a local), maybe something at one of the local museum spaces on the second, with the third night left open to let people scoot out of town if necessary. He further proposed that he would come back to the March PSC with a more fully developed proposal for discussion and actual votes / bookings / financial commitments.

Next month

This month klassenjs kindly merged to address some broken links in one of the demo mapbooks (there are additional similar edits to fix). Next month we will revisit the sprint topic and make some firm commitments, and we will also do an issues sweep on GM 3.12 to address any bugs or other lingering items that are out there.

Link to Agenda / Notes for Next Month:

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