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Hardware installation

Andreas Schumm edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 8 revisions


This manual describes how to use the SIDBlaster-USB Tic Tac design. Of course you can also use the original design or your own.

SIDBlaster TicTac is based upon “SIDBlaster-USB“, and is 100% compatible with it.

The following improvements were made:

  • Good value universal current supply 9V or 12V
  • Original C64-audio wiring
  • Optional connection facility for two Paddles.
  • Switchable filter capacitors
  • Switchable capacitors for Paddle
  • Precisely fitting printed circuit board for assembly into a TicTac candy box
  • Audio-In
  • Professional 6,3mm mono audio jack sockets
  • Cozy blue power LED
  • red TX/RX-LED (Rev.1.2:)
  • white jumper to connect GND and shield (experimental)(Rev.1.2).
  • prepared for read access

SID-chip installation

SIDBlaster with an 8580 SID-chip correctly installed.

Voltage Jumper settings on the SIDBlaster hardware

  • For the 6581 SID-chip - J1 must be open (12V). Place all jumpers on the left side (pins 1-2).
  • For the 8580 SID-chip - J1 must be closed (9V). Place all jumpers on the right side (pins 2-3).

Warning! Double check the voltage settings on the SIDBlaster hardware. If you set them incorrectly, for example sending 12V into an 8580 SID-chip which runs at 9V, you will destroy the chip. If you have a multimeter, check the voltage at the SID chip socket to be sure.

Always use an anti static bracelet to avoid damaging the SID-chip and other electrical components when installing it in the SIDBlaster.

Other jumpers on the hardware

  • JP2 & JP3 (blue) are for switching the filter capacitors.
  • JP4 & JP5 (green) are for the optional paddle capacitors.
  • JP6 (White) From Rev. 1.2 and on. Experimental, connects USB shield to ground; you may try it to counteract interfering noise. Text on reverse side of SIDBlaster PCB with jumper settings.

USB and audio connections

Connect the SIDBlaster hardware to a USB port using a type A-B USB cable of good quality. Avoid using USB-hubs since they are known to cause problems.

The SIDBlaster needs to do a digital "handshake" the first time it is connected via USB. This requires an internet connection.

The handshake will not work if your internet connection is set to “Metered Connection” in Windows. To solve this, temporarily disable “Metered Connection”, wait a moment for the SIDBlaster to do the handshake, and then re enable “Metered Connection”.

Connect the audio output of the SIDBlaster to your mixer or audio interface using an unbalanced (mono) cable. The second audio jack on the SIDBlaster is an audio input and is also an unbalanced connection. If you are unsure which connector is which, the connectors are marked on the PCB. Be careful about what you connect to the input of the SID-chip. These chips are old and very sensitive to electrical spikes and too high voltages.

General information

When you are not using the SIDBlaster it is recommended to unplug the USB-connection since this prolongs the life of the SID-chip.

Since a SID-chip produces heat, use a heatsink on the chip if possible and make sure there is sufficient ventilation.