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Master section

Andreas Schumm edited this page May 14, 2020 · 3 revisions

  • Volume = Master volume. To get the best possible signal to noise ratio, it is best to leave it a 15.

  • Vel->Vol = When activated velocity will control Master volume.

  • Reset/Init = Resets AIASS to its default setting. Warning! All unsaved settings will be lost when pressing "Reset/Init".

  • Play Mode =

    • Retrigger - Notes are retriggered every time a key is pressed, but if more than one key is held, the note will return to its previous pitch after the second key is released,
    • Legato - Notes are played Legato, i.e. the pitch "glides" between notes.
    • Last step - Notes are retriggered every time a key is pressed, and if more than one key is held the previous note will be cut off.
  • Activity LEDs = Indicates notes on and off, in exact its indicates the trigger signals for the voices of the sid. Also clicking with the mouse on this LEDs also triggers an stops the voice/voises of the sid.