Author: Ritesh Ghosh
1. Go to to create a new account and continue.
6. After clicking the confirmation mail sent to your entered email, you will be redirected to "/signin" page, where you have to enter your registered email & password
9. After signing in, you will be redirected to the home page, where projects nearing due dates show up. For them to show you have to create a project first and set its due date.
13. Click on Modify, under due date and set the due date of the project. Based on the due date, the Time Elasped will be calculated on the right.
22. Work Completed is based on the total work/tasks you have by the completed work/tasks. It shows how much work is completed in % and how many tasks are left to complete.
23. Click on Ideas, to create different ideas for your project. You can organize and keep your ideas in this section of a project.
25. After typing the description of the idea, paste the image url of the image you think is an idea.
26. I know the form popping up every time may be annoying, so there's a hide button, which minimizes the form.
28. Boom, your new idea pops up, on the right of the form. You can cllick on the 3 dots to edit or delete your idea.
35. While uploaded image idea have a field to modify descripition, they donot have a way to modify the uploaded image. You have to delete the idea and create new idea with modified image.
Kanban is divided into 3 sections, namely Todo, In Progress and Completed.
You can add future tasks to the todo section.
The current on going tasks to the in progress section.
The tasks that you have completed to the completed section.
This completed section influences the Work Completed section, back in the Overview navigation.
While creating a kanban, you can add labels to that kanban.
The existing labels are the labels that are already present on that kanban.
All labels contains all the labels created by the user.
You can add a title & description of a kanban
Click on the plus icon besi labels to create one.
You can edit & delete a kanban, also you can change the section of a kanban.
Say you have completed a kanban/work, then you can move it to completed section.
So on and so forth with other respective kanban sections.
45. After clicking on edit, Other Labels shows all the labels that are not currently in the selected kanban.
You can click on the plus icon besi a label to add that label to your kanban. As you click it, that label will be shifted to Existing Labels.
46. If you want to remove existing labels from your kanban. You can click on the cross icon beside a label to remove it from selected kanban, resulting it in popping up in Other Labels.
Both sections are horizontally scrollable.
55. If you generate a shareable link your project, then your project will become public. You can generate project's shareable link by clicking on Get link.
You will have a copy button beside the link, clicking on the 'COPY' button will copy the link in your clipboard.
Click on 'Make project private' to make the project private again, also thereby invalidating the existing public link.
59. After you click on Delete Project, this prompt pops up. If you press Delete, the the project gets deleted along with all data in it.
60. You can search any term related to any of your projects. If the term is present in that project, then it shows the results.
Note: The search excludes labels present in that project.
61. The search results come up. The example illustarted search by project name, but it works for any term or phrase present in any project.
Click on one result to open up that found project
You have wait a few moments before the profile picture is set.
72. Click on Delete your account at the end of the settings page to delete your account, which further opens this pop up, which confirms your choice for deleting your account.
Every data related to your account will be lost.