A curated list of awesome small dev shops (<= 30 employees).
The awesome small dev shops list exists because you need a list of the best small dev shops in the world. This list benefits you if you're:
- a company of any kind (startup, medium-sized business, corporation, etc.) in need of exquisite software expertise
- a software developer searching for a software development job at an awesome small dev shop
- a designer searching for a designer job at an awesome small dev shop
- a non-developer/designer searching for a non-development/designer job at an awesome small dev shop, in particular:
- project managers
- agile coaches
- sales people
- operations managers
- community managers
- office managers
- a recruiter looking for elite tech talent
- an awesome small dev shop wanting to learn about your fellow awesome small dev shops
- a tech conference organizer looking for sponsors
- or anyone wanting to stay up to speed with the latest in software development because awesome small dev shops have some of the best tech blogs, newsletters, podcasts around.
- Mechanical Rock [Continuous Delivery, Serverless apps Cloud Native native architectures] - Perth, Western Australia
- Thinkmill [Node.js, React, UI/UX] - Sydney, New South Wales
- Isle of Code [JavaScript, Ember, Mobile] - Toronto, ON
- Stembolt [Rails, Solidus ecommerce] - Victoria, BC
- Asquera [Databases, Rust, Ruby, Elasticsearch] - Berlin
- 9elements - Bochum
- simplabs [Ember, Elixir/Phoenix, Rails] - Munich
- Digital Natives [JavaScript, React, Elm, Rails, Elixir/Phoenix, Node.js] - Budapest
- Aranja [JavaScript, React]
- Rabid [Rails] - Wellington
- Sodep [Java, JavaScript, native Android and iOS] - Asunción
- Around25 [Node.js, Golang] - Cluj-Napoca
- Varvet [Rails] - Gothenburg | Stockholm
- Simplificator [Rails, Ember, Elixir] - Zurich
- Left Logic [JavaScript] - Brighton
- P'unk Avenue [Node.js, Apostrophe CMS, Web design, Branding] - Philadelphia, PA
- Infinite Red [React Native, React, Elixir/Phoenix, Rails] - Portland | SF | New Orleans
- NIRD [Rails, Angular, Mobile - Seattle, WA
- &yet [Node.js, React, React Native] - Richland, WA
- Tilde [Rails, Ember, JavaScript] - Portland, OR
- Paravel [JavaScript, Web design] - Austin, TX
- Bocoup [JavaScrip, Data Visualization] - Boston, MA
- Stirling Technologies [Web design and development, Branding] - Winchester, MA
- Echobind [Rails] - Stow, MA
- Vermonster [UI/UX, Rails, Ember, React] - Boston, MA
- Ten Forward [Rails] - Madison, WI
- Bendyworks [Rails, Clojure, JavaScript] - Madison, WI
- Code All Day [Ember, Rails] - New Jersey
- Clear Function [Rails, .NET] - Germantown, TN
- Arck Interactive (LAMP, MEAN, Elgg, Buddy Press) - Portland, OR
- Koalition - NYC
- Sophilabs [Python, Django, React] - Montevideo
- Mimiquate [Rails, Elixir, Ember] - Montevideo
- WyeWorks [Rails, Ember] - Montevideo
To the extent possible under law, Steve Gilbert has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.