A test automation driver for Unity applications.
Control implements WebDriver commands for interacting with Unity applications. This enables us to inspect applications and automate tests on specifc platforms and environments using already exiting WebDriver/Appium client libraries.
The package is intented to be extensible and to allow developers to expose new elements or customize how existing ones are presented and driven.
Currently some parts of Scene/GameObject/Component and UIToolkit are exposed, enough to allow the application to be inspected and driven using Appium Inspector.
Feature | Description | Windows | Android |
GetSource | Returns the current state of the application in XML | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Click | Click on an element | ✔️ | ✔️ |
SendKeys | Send keys to an element | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Clear | Clear the text of an element | ✔️ | ✔️ |
TakeScreenshot | Take a screenshot of the whole application | ✔️ | ✔️ |
GetAttribute | Returns an element's attribute | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Displayed | Indicates if an element id displayed | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Use this URL to add the package using the Unity Package Manager:
- Place ControlBehaviour in a Scene that is loaded and shipped with your application.
URL: Take note of the URL in the behaviour, change it at will.
- Run the application!.
The driver is part of the application so we must run it before using the driver.
Control can be loaded on a project without having to include the package or the source code in the Unity project.
- For this we need to load some assemblies using a script similar to the example
- And copy the following assemblies into target application's executable folder:
- Control.Runtime.dll
- EmbedIO.dll
- Swan.Lite.dll
The application may be run manually both in the Editor and as a build, after which we can run our tests towards it or connect with an inspector.
In automated scenarions you can use Appium Hub with Appium client libraries to install/start/uninstall for you the Unity application in Windows/Android/iOS.
When the application is running you can start the tests that point towards the Control driver's URl and target the actual content.
To connect to an Android app running on a device on port 4723, create a bridge to the device:
adb forward tcp:4723 tcp:4723
Then point your client to:
New or custom elements can be created by inheriting from ElementDriver. We can override PopulateSource to customize how an element is represented as a XML node, or Click to decide how it should handle a click.
Since all ElementDriver elements are registered manually, we must customize ControlBehaviour and override GetWebElementFactory to include new/custom elements.
Embedio: Used for the WebDriver requests.
- Use DOM manipulation in WebGL to expose information and react to commands.