"Go + Mongo" REST API server implementation for Gofreta.
Install MongoDB 3.2+ and after that apply the following command to insert an initial user and language items (you can change them later):
mongo localhost/gofreta --eval ' var nowTimestamp = Date.now() / 1000 << 0; // insert user "admin" with password "123456" var adminUser = {"username": "admin", "email": "admin@example.com", "status": "active", "password_hash": "$2a$12$rdX7N6gpAzKJ/7DzCMyVdeRaTUv6faL6GxhTODzlJcuDHRf4hedoO", "reset_password_hash": "", "access": {"user": ["index", "view", "create", "update", "delete"], "key": ["index", "view", "create", "update", "delete"], "language": ["create", "update", "delete"], "media": ["index", "view", "upload", "update", "delete", "replace"], "collection": ["index", "view", "create", "update", "delete"]}, "created": nowTimestamp, "modified": nowTimestamp}; db.user.insert(adminUser); // insert English(en) language var language = {"title": "English", "locale": "en", "created": nowTimestamp, "modified": nowTimestamp}; db.language.insert(language); '
Download the latest Gofreta binary release and place it on your server. Execute the binary and specify the environment configuration file (see Configurations):
./gofreta -config="/path/to/config.yaml"
That's it :). Check the API Reference documentation for info how to use the API.
Here is a yaml config file with the default application configurations:
You can extend it by using the -config
flag (eg. -config="/path/to/config.yaml"
# the API base http server address
host: "http://localhost:8090"
# the Data Source Name for the database
dsn: "localhost/gofreta"
# mail server settings (if `host` is empty no emails will be send)
host: ""
username: ""
password: ""
port: 25
# these are secret keys used for JWT signing and verification
verificationKey: "__your_key__"
signingKey: "__your_key__"
signingMethod: "HS256"
# user auth token session duration (in hours)
userTokenExpire: 72
# reset password settings
# user reset password token secret
secret: "__your_secret__"
# user reset password token valid duration time (in hours)
expire: 2
# if not empty, the link will be included in the reset password email
# (use `<hash>` as a placeholder for the reset password token, eg. `http://example.com/reset-password/<hash>`)
pageLink: ""
# pagination settings
defaultLimit: 15
maxLimit: 100
# upload settings
maxSize: 5
thumbs: ["100x100", "300x300"]
dir: "./uploads"
url: "http://localhost:8090/upload"
# system email addresses
noreply: "noreply@example.com"
support: "support@example.com"
I recommend you to double check the following parameters:
Detailed info and response examples are available at the offical Gofreta docs - https://gofreta.com/docs
Clone or download the repository and execute the following commands:
# start the docker daemon service (if is not started already)
sudo systemctl start docker
# navigate to the project root dir
cd /path/to/gofreta-api
# start the project docker services
docker-compose up -d
# fetch and install the dependent packages
./docker/scripts/glide install
# start the API service and listen to `localhost:8090`
For convenience the following helper docker-compose scripts are available:
- initialize the API service with the provided./docker/api/config.yml
- alias to the api_service glide binary, eg../docker/scripts/glide install
- execute any golang commands within the api_service container, eg../docker/scripts/go test ./...
- connect to the interactive mongodb shell, eg../docker/scripts/mongo
To download and install the package, execute the following command:
# install the application
go get github.com/gofreta/gofreta-api
# install glide (a vendoring and dependency management tool), if you don't have it yet
go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide
# navigate to the applicatin directory
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/gofreta/gofreta-api
# fetch and install the dependent packages
$GOPATH/bin/glide install
Now you can build and run the application by running the following command:
# navigate to the applicatin directory
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/gofreta/gofreta-api
# run the application with the default configurations
go run server.go
# run the application with user specified configuration file
go run server.go -config="/path/to/config.yaml"
Gofreta REST API is part of Gofreta - an Open Source project licensed under the BSD3-License.
Help us improve and continue the project development - https://gofreta.com/support-us