MR.Corr2 is a package for two-sample Mendelian randomization using correlated instrumental variants accounting correlated horizontal pleiotropy.
Install the development version of MR.Corr2 by use of the 'devtools' package. Note that MR.Corr2 depends on the 'Rcpp' and 'RcppArmadillo' package, which also requires appropriate setting of Rtools and Xcode for Windows and Mac OS/X, respectively.
If you have errors installing this package on Linux, try the following commands in R:
Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "English_United States.1252")
The 'MR.Corr2' vignette will provide a good start point for two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis using MR.Corr2 package.
Qing Cheng, Baoluo Sun, Yingcun Xia, Jin Liu+. (2020) Accounting for correlated horizontal pleiotropy in two-sample Mendelian randomization using correlated instrumental variants.
This package is developed and maintained by Qing Cheng (