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Connect and strategize with people in your community.
goSolve is a space to solve world problems.

This is a Next.js project with Tailwind and Firebase.

Initial Firebase project setup

First-time setup

# Installing NPM packages
npm install
(cd firebase/functions/ && npm install)

# Setting up Firebase
firebase login # Log in with your google account that has access to the dev firebase project
(cd firebase/ && firebase use default)
(cd firebase/ && firebase init emulators) # Select Authentication Emulator, Functions Emulator and Firestore Emulator
(cd firebase/ && cp -r exported-dev-data.example exported-dev-data) # Copy basic dummy data required for your emulators

# Setting up environment variables
# These will need to be filled in, ask a team member for the correct values.
# Don't fill in NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_MEASURMENT_ID for local development, since we don't want to track analytics locally.
cp .env-example .env
(cd firebase/functions/ && cp .env-example .env)

Running firebase emulators

You can connect to either the actual firebase dev app or to your local emulators. It is recommended to use emulators during development:

cd firebase
npm run dev

Running the front-end

Run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Folder structure

|── external // External libraries, packages or code that has been forked
|── firebase // Contains all firebase configurations
│   ├── functions // Contains all cloud functions
|── public // Contains all public resources for the Front-end app
|── src // Contains all source code for the Front-end app
│   ├── components
│   |   ├── common // Common components used throughout app
│   |   ├── pages // Specific components used in each page, follows page structure
│   ├── constants
│   ├── context
│   ├── models
│   ├── pages // Pages with folder structure to follow URL
│   │   ├── api // API functionality
│   ├── styles // App styles
│   ├── utils // Utility tools

Continuous Deployment

We don't manually make changes or manually deploy to Firebase or Netlify. The following setup is used for automatic deployments.


This repository is linked to our Netlify:

  • All changes to develop are automatically published to dev
  • All changes to master trigger a build for staging & production, but need to be manually published

All environment variables & secrets needed for the front-end are stored in Netlify.


The Firebase functions, Firestore rules and indexes are deployed using GitHub Actions in this repository:

  • All changes to develop are automatically deployed to dev
  • All changes to master trigger a workflow for staging, which requires an approval. Afterwards, this workflow can be promoted to production.

Creating a service account for the firebase project

You need a service account json for executing the firebase actions (env variable: GCP_SA_KEY). Go to Firebase => Project Settings => Service accounts => Manage service account permissions Then create a new service account and grant the following roles:

  • Service Account User
  • Cloud Functions Admin
  • Cloud Scheduler Admin
  • Secret Manager Viewer
  • Firebase Rules Admin
  • Cloud Datastore Index Admin
  • Artifact Registry Administrator
  • Viewer

Create a json key for this service account, base64 encode it, and save it in the GCP_SA_KEY secret in the correct GitHub environment secret.

Firebase notes (not relevant for local setup)

  • Setting up a new database requires going through the authentication and firestore database setups
    • For authorisation, add authorised domains under authentication -> settings
    • Add env variables to deploy/local which can be found in project settings -> general -> your apps (search for process.env to see which ones are needed)


License: AGPL v3
goSolve is open-source. We use the GNU AGPLv3 licensing strategy.