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Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (02 17 2022)

Jason Schindler edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Date: 02/17/2022


  • Puneet Behl
  • David Estes
  • James Kleeh
  • Jason Schindler


  • Current Grails Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • I looked into the issues with NavigableMap being returned from getProperty
    • I need to plan out how to fix this without breaking current applications
    • It only happens when they specify that they want a Map
    • Team reviewed codebase to discover root of this issue and plan for a fix
  • The Grails plugin portal is crashing a lot and at some point we need to take a look at that
    • David: All of the links in the plugin portal don't make sense. They are linking to spaces about Grails 3
    • Team discussed process for updating plugins in the GitHub repo
    • David: This isn't very friendly for new users. I don't like it
  • Next I'll be exploring Groovy 4 with Grails 6
  • I'm still working on the updates to Grails CLI and I'm not having any major issues there
  • I'll be doing a GA release of Spring Security Core in the next day or two
  • I'll look into where we are in Grails Core and do a patch release
  • We'll update to Micronaut 3.3 in the next minor release


  • Spring Reloaded is almost working with Java 11
  • Asset pipeline 3.4.2 was released mostly with some updates for M1 Macs and Java 11
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