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Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (03 04 2021)

Jason Schindler edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 1 revision

Date: 03/04/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • David Estes
  • Jason Schindler
  • Bobby Warner


  • Bintray Migration Status
  • Current Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Bintray Migration Status

  • Puneet: All artifacts have been moved from Bintray to Artifactory except for old Grails-Core artifacts that aren't returning from Bintray
  • Puneet: Grails-core, GSP, data-mapping, and MongoDB are getting set up to use Maven Central
  • Puneet: Grails-Common has been updated and all projects that use that are pretty simple to update
  • Puneet: There are some projects that are not Neo4J, GraphQL, and Testing Support for example
    • David: I realized that Maven Central requires signing now and I think JCenter did that automatically for you
    • David: There are going to be some hurdles for plugin authors to convert
    • Puneet: We don't want to manage the publishing things ourselves
    • David: I understand that, but if we don't I think we will have way less contributions on the plugins side
    • David: I think the pre-bintray stuff in Grails 2 was easier than this. I don't think we are taking a step back we are taking 2 steps back.
    • Puneet: I think that configuring Maven Central isn't painful once you know how to do it
    • Puneet: Let me share my screen and show how I've been doing this
      • Puneet Demonstrated Grails Common Build
    • Bobby: I think that we do need to provide some guidance. We should do an instructional blog post for plugin authors
      • David: Or put it all in a profile
    • Puneet: That is on my plate to write a blog post for this. I plan to get it done tomorrow or early next week
    • David: From a maintainability standpoint, I think we can include the afterEvaluate stuff in an extension
      • Puneet: I would want to mark that as internal and use it for the plugins that we maintain but for the community I don't think it is a good idea
    • Puneet: For the blog post, do we want to provide other options besides Maven Central?
      • Jason: I would focus on one thing. We can always write more later
      • Bobby: I think we should focus it on one thing and try to make it as easy as possible and give a simple example
      • Bobby: I would say before we publish lets share it internally to try it out and see if it is simple enough
      • Jason: I've never published a Grails plugin, so I'm happy to try it out

Current Development Activities


  • Mostly covered during migration discussion
  • Also trying to triage new issues


  • I talked to you Puneet about that issue you wanted me to look at. I think there is a method GSP that I need to pull into grails-common.
    • I know you were trying to remove GSP from grails-core and I didn't want to add another dependency
    • Puneet: I haven't pulled it out yet, I think you should just use it for now and we can look at moving it to common when we remove GSP
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