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Grails Engineering Meeting Notes (06 10 2021)

Jason Schindler edited this page Dec 27, 2021 · 1 revision

Date: 06/10/2021


  • Puneet Behl
  • James Kleeh
  • Jason Schindler


  • Current Development Activities
  • Open Discussion

Current Development Activities


  • JFrog seems to be stable again
  • Grails wrapper has an http hardcoded in the wrapper in Grails 3 and higher
    • One solution is to have an environment variable or system property and if that exists allow the user to override the base URL
    • We can patch the wrapper jar so that the hardcoded URL is correct and provide that as a download that people can add directly to their project
  • Jason: So we can patch the wrapper and make that available for existing projects, and then do a patch release for Grails 3 and 4
    • James: The Grails 3 release would take a few days. Grails 3 is still on Travis and all of that would need to be changed
    • Puneet: How do we provide the patched jars to the community?
    • Jason: I don't know the best mechanism for that. At GitHub URL perhaps or a file on the website
    • James: I think we should have links to the patched jars on the website so we can point users to that
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