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tprK pipeline

This pipeline was designed to take Illumina and PacBio files straight off the sequencer to a final comparison table of all the different variable regions with their relative frequencies, as well as various pretty plots along the way.


Fastqs much be gzipped for both Illumina and PacBio runs

Fastqs for Illumina should be paired and trimmed before being run through the pipeline

Table of Contents


  1. Install nextflow.
    • Make sure you move nextflow to a directory in your PATH variable.
  2. Install docker.
  3. If running on the cloud setup setup nextflow tower


This pipeline was written with DSL1 and must be run with an older version of nextflow before your nexflow run command use:



A metadatafile is passed in to give sample names and locations.


For Sample name column remove ".fastq.gz" from the end of the sample name and "Ill_" or "PB_" from the start of the filename.

For Illumina Runs add "Ill_" before the sample name for the fastq for the file and in the metadata

SampleName Illumina PacBio BioSample Replicate
Example_1 Ill_Example_1.fastq.gz
Example_2 Ill_Example_2.fastq.gz
Example_3 Ill_Example_3.fastq.gz
Example_4 Ill_Example_4.fastq.gz
Example_5 Ill_Example_5.fastq.gz

For Pacbio Runs add "PB_" before the sample name for the fastq for the file and in the metadata


For Pacbio runs a newline must be added to the end of the metadata file or you will receive an incomplete final line error for the createPacBioTree step.

SampleName Illumina PacBio BioSample Replicate
Example_1 PB_Example_1.fastq.gz
Example_2 PB_Example_2.fastq.gz
Example_3 PB_Example_3.fastq.gz
Example_4 PB_Example_4.fastq.gz
Example_5 PB_Example_5.fastq.gz


If running the fastqs in a specific directory the directory must be specified in the --INPUT option and in the metadata file. It is recommended to run the pipeline in the directory with your fastqs and pass "./" for --INPUT.

SampleName Illumina PacBio BioSample Replicate
Example_1 Example_Directory/Ill_Example_1.fastq.gz
Example_2 Example_Directory/Ill_Example_2.fastq.gz
Example_3 Example_Directory/Ill_Example_3.fastq.gz
Example_4 Example_Directory/Ill_Example_4.fastq.gz
Example_5 Example_Directory/Ill_Example_5.fastq.gz

For running with technical replicates name any replicates with the same biosample name in the biosample column but differentiate with A B for what replicate the sample is

SampleName Illumina PacBio BioSample Replicate
R501B1_R1_S5_merged Ill_R501B1_R1_S5_merged.fastq.gz KO_Time1_R501 A
R501B1_R2_S13_merged Ill_R501B1_R2_S13_merged.fastq.gz KO_Time1_R501 B
R501B2_R1_S21_merged Ill_R501B2_R1_S21_merged.fastq.gz KO_Time2_R501 A
R501B2_R2_S29_merged Ill_R501B2_R2_S29_merged.fastq.gz KO_Time2_R501 B


Command Description
--INPUT Input folder where fastqs are located. For current directory, ./ can be used.
--OUTDIR Output folder where .bams and consensus fastas will be piped into.
--METADATA Path to metadata file with specific format.
--PACBIO Specify that there are only PacBio files to be read.
--ILLUMINA Specify that there are only Illumina files to be read.
--LARGE Splitting of visualizations will be done, heatmap and variable site comparison will produce a separate file for each variable region rather than combining them. Recommended for all runs as output is cleaner.
--REFERENCE Specify Illumina sample name (not file), to compare others to for dot-line plots. Can be used in tandem with --LARGE.
--TECHNICAL_REPLICATE Generates additional statistics if using technical replicates.
--RF_FILTER Specify relative frequency filter. Default is 0.00001.
--COUNT_FILTER Specify count filter. Default is 0.
--ILLUMINA_FILTER Specify whether PacBio reads should be filtered to only include files supported by Illumina reads that reach the cutoff.
-resume nextflow will pick up where it left off if the previous command was interrupted for some reason.
-with-docker ubuntu:18.04 Runs command with Ubuntu docker.
-with-trace Outputs a trace.txt that shows which processes end up in which work/ folders.
-profile standard: For less computationally intensive systems run locally, not reccommended
standardMORE: For running on the more computationally strong local systems, used for lab i9 imacs
laptop: For running on very low power computational systems, very slow
Cloud: For running on the cloud adds more computational power for memory intensive steps, recommended
-c Add you nextflow config file to access cloud
-with-tower Monitor your run with nextflow tower

This pipeline can be run with both Illumina and PacBio samples at the same time skip --ILLUMINA and --PACBIO option and fill out the metadata table with both PacBio and Illumina samples, each sample must have a PacBio and an Illumina sample


Illumina run in cloud:

NXF_VER=22.10.4 nextflow run greninger-lab/TPRK-Pipeline -r main \
    --METADATA Metadata_Example_Illumina.csv \
    --ILLUMINA \
    --INPUT ./ \
    --OUTDIR Example_Illumina/ \
    -with-docker ubuntu:18.04 \
    -profile Cloud \
    -c your_nextflow_aws.config \

Pacbio run in cloud:

NXF_VER=22.10.4  nextflow run greninger-lab/TPRK-Pipeline -r main \
    --METADATA Metadata_Example_PACBIO.csv \
    --PACBIO \
    --INPUT Example_PacBio_fastq/ \
    --OUTDIR Example_PACBIO_Out/ \
    -with-docker ubuntu:18.04 \
    -profile Cloud \
    -c your_nextflow_aws.config \

Illumina run local standard cpu usage:

NXF_VER=22.10.4 nextflow run greninger-lab/TPRK-Pipeline -r main \
    --METADATA Metadata_Example_Illumina.csv \
    --ILLUMINA \
    --INPUT ./ \
    --OUTDIR Example_Illumina/ \
    -with-docker ubuntu:18.04 \
    -profile standard

Pacbio run local higher cpu usage:

NXF_VER=22.10.4  nextflow run greninger-lab/TPRK-Pipeline -r main \
    --METADATA Metadata_Example_PACBIO.csv \
    --PACBIO \
    --INPUT Example_PacBio_fastq/ \
    --OUTDIR Example_PACBIO_Out/ \
    -with-docker ubuntu:18.04 \
    -profile standardMORE


Default workflow for Illumina and Pacbio runs

flowchart TD;
    subgraph Illumina;
    classDef bar stroke:#0f0
    subgraph PacBio;


Install sratoolkit

On Mac you can use brew:

brew install sratoolkit


Make an Example_Illumina_fastq folder

mkdir Example_Illumina_fastq

Enter Example folder

cd Example_Illumina_fastq 

Download samples from SRA and place them in the Example_Illumina_fastq folder.

fasterq-dump --split-files SRR24317964
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR24317966
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR24317967	
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR24317968	
fasterq-dump --split-files SRR24317969

Cat R1 and R2 samples together

for i in *_1.fastq
base=$(basename $i _1.fastq)
cat ${base}_1.fastq ${base}_2.fastq > ${base}.fastq

Remove unpaired reads

rm *_1.fastq
rm *_2.fastq

gzip reads

gzip *.fastq

Add "Ill_: to the front of all read names

for file in *; do mv "$file" "Ill_$file"; done

Exit folder

cd ..

Run example workflow or use one from above

NXF_VER=22.10.4 nextflow run greninger-lab/TPRK-Pipeline -r main --METADATA Metadata_Example_Illumina.csv --ILLUMINA --INPUT Example_Illumina_fastq/ --OUTDIR Example_Illumina/ -with-docker ubuntu:18.04 -profile standard


Make an Example_PacBio_fastq folder

mkdir Example_PacBio_fastq

Enter Example folder

cd Example_PacBio_fastq

Download samples from SRA and place them in the Example_PacBio_fastq folder.

fasterq-dump SRR10294254		
fasterq-dump SRR10294238

gzip reads

gzip *.fastq

Add "PB_: to the front of all read names

for file in *; do mv "$file" "PB_$file"; done

Exit folder

cd ..

Run example workflow or use one from above

NXF_VER=22.10.4  nextflow run greninger-lab/TPRK-Pipeline -r main --METADATA Metadata_Example_PACBIO.csv --PACBIO --INPUT Example_PacBio_fastq/ --OUTDIR Example_PACBIO_Out/ -with-docker ubuntu:18.04 -profile standard


Illumina Output

├── Figures
│   ├── Relative_Frequency_Plots
│   │   ├── Ill_SRR24317964_RelativeFreqPlot.html                               # Bar chart comparing variability between variable sites for each sample 
│   │   ├── Ill_SRR24317964_filtered_RelativeFreqPlot.html                      # Bar chart comparing variability between variable sites for each sample with filtering
│   │   ├── Ill_SRR24317966_RelativeFreqPlot.html
│   │   ├── Ill_SRR24317966_filtered_RelativeFreqPlot.html
│   ├── Variable_Region_Comparisons
│   │   ├── SRR24317964_vs_SRR24317966_VariableRegions_DotLine_Filtered.pdf     # Plot comparing variability of reads between samples 
│   │   └── Variable_region_compare.RData                                       # R data to be loaded into R of variable region comparisons
│   ├── all_heatmap.html                                                        # Heatmap of all variable region variability for all samples, will be separated by --large option
│   └── all_variable_regions.html                                               # Barchart of all variable region variability for all samples, will be separated by --large option
├── Tables
│   ├── Ill_SRR24317964_final_data.csv                                          # separated table of counts as nucleotide for each sample
│   ├── Ill_SRR24317964_overcount_final_AA_data.csv                             # separated table of counts as amino acid for each sample
│   ├── Ill_SRR24317964_summary_statistics.csv                                  # Total read counts per variable region per sample
│   ├── Ill_SRR24317966_final_data.csv
│   ├── Ill_SRR24317966_overcount_final_AA_data.csv
│   ├── Ill_SRR24317966_summary_statistics.csv
│   ├── all_assignments.csv                                                     # dataframe of reads uncounted per variable site for all samples
│   ├── all_summary_stats.csv                                                   # counts for all samples for all variable regions
│   ├── allreads.csv
│   ├── allreads_abs.csv                                                        # all reads csv with only counts
│   ├── allreads_filt_abs.csv                                                   # all reads csv with only counts filtered
│   ├── allreads_filt_rel.csv                                                   # all reads csv with only frequency filtered
│   ├── allreads_rel.csv                                                        # all reads csv with only frequency
│   └── compare_illumina_df.csv
├── allreads.csv                                                                # Counts and Frequencies for each variable site 
├── allreads_filtered.csv                                                       # Filters dataframe if RF or Count filter option is applied
└── allreads_filtered_heatmap.csv                                               # CSV used to generate heatmap with less filtering (with default filtering values allreads csvs will be identical)

Pacbio Output

├── Figures
│   ├── Relative_Frequency_Plots
│   │   ├── PB_SRR10294238_RelativeFreqPlot.html                                # Bar chart comparing variability between variable sites
│   │   ├── PB_SRR10294238_filtered_RelativeFreqPlot.html                       # Bar chart comparing variability between variable sites for each sample
│   │   ├── PB_SRR10294254_RelativeFreqPlot.html
│   │   └── PB_SRR10294254_filtered_RelativeFreqPlot.html
│   └── Tree
│       ├── Isolates_aa_filt_fullORFs.aln.aln.tree.nwk                          # PacBio newick tree file
│       ├── Isolates_aa_filt_fullORFs.fasta                                     # Fasta converted to AA filtered on RF cuttoff, default is identical to non filtered                                    
│       ├── Isolates_aa_fullORFs.fasta                                          # Fasta converted to AA filtered on RF cuttoff
│       ├── PacBio_Tree_Filtered.RData                                          # Pacbio tree R data
│       ├── PacBio_Tree_Filtered.pdf                                            # Pacbio tree
│       └── Table_allAAfilt_fullORFs.tsv                                        # Table of counts per sequence
├── Tables
│   └── Frequency_Tables
│       ├── PB_SRR10294238.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix_final_data.csv                # Counts and relative frequency of sequences for sample as nucleic acids
│       ├── PB_SRR10294238.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix_overcount_final_AA_data.csv   # Counts and relative frequency of sequences for sample as AA
│       ├── PB_SRR10294238.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix_summary_statistics.csv        # Counts per variable region
│       ├── PB_SRR10294254.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix_final_data.csv
│       ├── PB_SRR10294254.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix_overcount_final_AA_data.csv
│       ├── PB_SRR10294254.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix_summary_statistics.csv
│       ├── all_assignments.csv # All amino acids and nucleic acid sequences for samples
│       └── compare_pacbio_df.csv # all reads csv with counts and frequency
└── denoised_fastas
    ├── PB_SRR10294238.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix.fasta                             # Denoised fasta for each sample
    └── PB_SRR10294254.noprimers.filtered.RAD.nolines.fix.fasta


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