Virga tests your Cloud resources.
In meteorology, Virga is an observable streak or shaft of precipitation falling from a cloud that evaporates or sublimates before reaching the ground. Wikipedia
This piece of software is not about a weather phenomenon.
Virga is a tool for analysing your Cloud infrastructure before the rain catastrophically reaches the ground.
There are many things still missing:
- the documentation needs to be completed
- the definition files are just a draft for testing purposes
At the moment only AWS.
- an AWS working account
- boto3
- Install Virga
pip install virga
- Create and edit the file
- Launch the command
virga-asserts -p aws -t tests.yaml
tests.yaml is a test file.
See This project is still in pre-alpha
There are two types of configuration files.
The definitions (see docs/ are specific to the provider and define the way we want to filter the resources to check. These files are unlikely to be changed.
The tests are the actual tests we want to implement.
Let's start with an use case: you want to test that the subnet with the id subnet-0123456789 has:
- the CIDR block equals to
- the tag environment has value staging
- the tag Name has value my-subnet
and then you want to know if the EC2 instances with the tag name starting with the value my-app are in the subnet my-subnet.
- id: subnet-0123456789
- CidrBlock==''
- Tags[?Key=='environment' && Value=='staging']
- Tags[?Key=='Name' && Value=='my-subnet']
- name: my-app-*
- SubnetId=="_lookup('subnets', 'name', 'my-subnet')"
The keys id and name are identifiers declared in the definitions file.
The assertions are the actual tests: each item of the list represents a condition to verify using JMESPath.
In the assertions above there is a spurious case
SubnetId=="_lookup('subnets', 'name', 'my-subnet')"
_lookup is not a standard JMESPath construct but a Virga function (see _lookup function).
The _lookup function filters a single resource returning the ID.
In the example above instead of declaring the equality
we have filtered the subnet by the tag:Name.
The argument passed to the function are:
- the resource type
- the identifier (eg. name)
- the value to search
If no result is found, the test fails.
Following the list of options of virga-asserts
usage: virga-asserts [-h] -p {aws} [-t TESTFILE [TESTFILE ...]] [-d DEFINITIONS] [-l LOGFILE] [-s] [-o OUTPUT] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p {aws}, --provider {aws}
test file
custom definitions path
-l LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
redirect the output to a log file
-s, --silent do not output results
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
save the resource info into the specified directory
--debug show debug
The command requires a valid provider and at least one test file (see Test files).
Virga comes with a tool for generating test files out of resources.
virga-samples requires:
- a valid provider
- the ID of the resource to exemplify
The command virga-assert -p aws -s instances -r i-0123456789
will generate a valid test file for the resource
usage: virga-samples [-h] -p PROVIDER -s SECTION -r RESOURCE [-d DEFINITIONS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PROVIDER, --provider PROVIDER
-s SECTION, --section SECTION
-r RESOURCE, --resource RESOURCE
resource id
definitions path
See This project is still in pre-alpha
Even if AWS requires appropriate credentials, Virga does not explicitly requires any credentials setting.
There are several ways to set AWS credentials, if you have some doubts about it, we suggest you to spend some time studying this topic before using AWS.
A quick way is using AWS CLI
pip install awscli --upgrade --user
aws configure
For more information refer to boto3 documentation.