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Sheets: How to format a spreadsheet professionally

Bonnie Wolfe edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 4 revisions

How to format a spreadsheet professionally

Delete extra Rows and Columns

The default setting of every spreadsheet is more columns and rows than you will need, which makes the following problems:

  • the scroll bars are harder to use
  • when you are trying to select something that goes out of view, the scrolling often runs out of control.

How to delete the extra columns

  • Place cursor on the column where you want to start deleting downward
  • Windows: Shift + Ctrl + ↓
  • Right click on numbered area on left
  • Select Delete Rows

How to delete the extra and Rows

  • Place cursor on the column where you want to start deleting downward
  • Shift + Ctrl + →
  • Right click on columns on the top
  • Select Delete Columns

Freezing Top Row(s) and Left Column(s)

When you freeze the top rows and optionally left columns, you make the spreadsheet easier to understand when the sheet gets long or wide.

How to freeze the top row

  • Select on View menu
  • Select Freeze
  • Choose as many rows are appropriate

How to freeze the left column if appropriate

  • Select View menu
  • Select Freeze
  • Choose as columns as appropriate

Use Filters

Using Filters will help you sort the data

How to create a filter for the whole sheet

  • Select the entire sheet (Windows: Ctrl + A | Mac: ⌘ + A)
  • Select Data menu
  • Select Create a filter


FP: Frozen treat preference | View | Copy

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