disco.py A CLI tool for my custom cipher named the "Disco" cipher. I designed and implemented it for an EOC project my freshman year of college. Link to presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ia7eonD8dAXuNkDGN7hvOPAoIQj5Gtngd3KB2CbGMxw/edit?usp=sharing
fakedox.py A fake "doxx" generator that generates a completely random but plausible identity. Joke script for discord chats.
hangman.py Simple terminal-based hangman game where you can customize the source of phrases, and game results are saved to a file.
login.py A GUI login program I created to learn the basics of Tk.
piglatin.py A CLI tool for translating text to and from pig latin.
review-scraper.py A Google reviews scraper that takes a City/Region name as input, and attempts to scrape reviews from as many places within the region that it can find.
rps.py A multiplayer command-line game wherein 2 connected users play rock-paper-scissors, and the loser get booted off the system.
schizo.py A script that constantly modifies its own magic bytes to appear as if it were a different filetype.
skyreader.py Log analysis tool for a custom format once used in an NCL competition.
squid.py Log analysis tool for Squid proxy logs.
trade.py An old terminal game that's meant to be a stock-trading simulator set in ancient rome.
ttt.py A tic-tac-toe terminal game where you can play against a friend or against a rudimentary AI opponent.