Simple OpenWhisk action that polls OpenWhisk API, looks for failed activations and triggers a notification for for failed activations Activations in every organisation and space that the user has access to in the current region will be scanned
The system has two steps
1. getFailedActivations
- This action is triggered periodically and scans all activations since last run, looking for failed activations
- If a failed activation is found it triggers the notification trigger
2. Notification
- One or more notification actions are invoked when the notification trigger is fired
- Slack
- IBM Netcool/OMNIbus
- IBM Bluemix LogMet
wsk trigger create notificationTrigger
This trigger will be fired by the main activation poller action when a failed activation is found.
wsk action create posttoslack -p slackwebhook <webhookURL> -p slack_username <username> -p slack_channel <ChannelName?
wsk rule create postfailuretoslack notificationTrigger posttoslack
For more information on how to set up an incomming webhook in slack here:
wsk action create posttonoi -p omnibus_url <omnibus_url>
wsk rule create postfailuretonoi notificationTrigger posttonoi
wsk action create posttologmet -p logmet_host <logmet_host> -p logmet_port <logmet_port> -p logmet_token <logmet_token> -p space_id <space_id>
wsk rule create postfailuretologmet notificationTrigger posttologmet
To get the logmet token and space id, you can use the
script from the pylogmet github repository.
The posttologmet action receives failed activation notification from all activations in all spaces and organisations the current user has access to. However, it will create a logmet entry in a single logmet space, specified by space_id. Inside logmet you can filter by 'space_name' and 'org_name' to see where what namespace the failed activation was running in.
wsk action create getFailedActivations
wsk trigger create everyMinute --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm -p cron "0 */1 * * * *" -p trigger_payload '{"poll_interval":60}'
wsk rule create getFailedActivations everyMinute getFailedActivations
Note: If you update the cron interval setting you must also update the poll_interval value in the trigger_payload, as this is the value given to the getFailedActivations action. getFailedActivations uses this value to know how far back to check activations.