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Make Money

Asep edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 3 revisions

You can sell the modules that you have created on several PHP Software sales provider platforms such as, or others. You can also make it Open Source by uploading your pakcage at

Start by publishing the module that has been created by running the command below.

php artisan module:publish Blog

Note: before publishing a module, you should first delete the node_modules folder if it exists.

You are asked to fill in some information for the package to be created, such as Package name, Author, license, etc.

If all the information has been filled in, the package will be created and stored in the ladmin-packages/ folder. If there is a package that you need, just go to the folder you created, see the example below.

cd ladmin-packages/hexters/blog

// ------ AND THEN ------

$ composer require laravel/horizon

Note: please edit the file as an additional information for the package you want to share

Upload To Git Repository

Upload your package to github or gitlab.

Note: if you want to sell it, the repository must be private


You can sell it at You can start by registering and uploading your package by sending a link to your private github or gitlab repository.

Make it Open Source

You can also share your packages for free on by sending a link to your public github repository.

File Structure

    |--- app/
    |--- bootstrap/
    |--- config/
    |--- ladmin-packages/
        |--- hexters/
            |--- blog/
                |--- modules/
                    |--- Blog/
                        |--- **
                |--- src/
                    |--- BlogServiceProvider.php
                |--- composer.json